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Monday, March 20, 2023

Who is Successful???

 Pranam!!Few days back, I was talking to my elder Son who is attending school. The topic of discussion was developing good habits to be successful. Though, he did not raise the counter question eg 'What do you mean by Success?' but at hindsight I was thinking what is the real meaning of success. What are the parameters on which one can judge you whether you are a successful person or not? the opinion of others or judgement of others make you successful or otherwise? In general, we tend to measure our success from the eyes of another person. But I think this is not correct. The parameter of success varies from person to person, from background to background, from country to country. It means the success is a geo-temporal variable. In India, if couple is living in a married life for long time [though without any love and care], for few such couple may be successful. For a poor person, having a good house to live in is a success. For rich person, setting up a new factory or may be purchase of an aero plane is a success. So, what is the success? It is very difficult to answer in black and white. For those living in developed nations, the meaning of success might be different. Person working at NASA may termed success once somebody safely lands on moon. It means, the real meaning of success is highly individualistic and contextualize. Then why many of us are wasting time to judge our own life from the eyes of others. Let's focus on ourselves and within. I think, if one is happy in whatever he is doing or not doing should be one of the parameters of success. If we can remain in peaceful status, we are successful. For that to happen, we should practice meditation, practicing the technique of centering yourself and doing good karma. Further comments are welcome. 

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