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Monday, March 20, 2023

Are the Shoes/ Slippers responsible for Partial Unmindful Status?

 Pranam!! I read that Bhagwan Mahaveer was very compassionate. He stopped eating after Sun set, stopped eating vegetables grown underground and walking barefoot...Come in to Center...A thought suddenly came to my mind that Shoes/ Slippers have contributed a lot in making human being un- mindfull....What???? At the outset, I plead for the forgiveness from the inventors of this beautiful and very helpful product. It is true that Shoes/Slippers have enabled human being to conquer the rough terrain of mother earth but at the same time, these products have also kept the human being away from the mother nature. Due to these products, human being forgets to feel the texture and temperature of mother earth. Since, human feet is the only direct contact point with Mother Earth for most of the time until you are lying on the ground or sitting on the surface of Mother Earth. These products in fact have deprived the human being to get the free acupressure therapy on daily basis....Come in to Center....Few days back, I was sitting with a group of doctors [My wife is also a doctor (Ophthalmologist)] who suggested that one should walk barefoot on the grass specially in the morning for better health...Come in to Center... It is good for diabetic patient as well, I heard. Therefore, unknowingly, these products are contributing in being un-mindful while walking. I want to clarify that there is no denial of the usefulness of shoes/slippers in everyday life, however, I want to give an alternative dimension for the usage of modern gazettes and its impact on being mind-full. The example of Shoes/slippers are only for illustrative purpose. 

      It is said that during the rule of Prabhu Ram, everybody was happy. There was no sadness in the air. It was known as Ram Rajya and today, we all aspire for Ram Rajya type situation in our country. I strongly believe that such situation of Ram Rajya must be present at that point of time. There are reasons behind such strong belief. During that time there was hardly any electronic interference in the atmosphere. People were very simple and easy going. They respected the environment and took great care of it as a part of their family...Come in to Center....They were breathing in extremely fresh air and drinking pollution free water. As a result, there may not be many diseases around. People must be stress free and happy in general. Now, we can compare the present situation where our life has become slave of modern equipment such as Tv, fridge, mobile, AC, etc etc. Only God knows, how much continuous silent radiation we are exposed to and how it is affecting our body and mind. We are breathing a very polluted air and drinking polluted water (specially in Delhi). Forget about milk....Come in to Center....Therefore, whatever government do by framing new laws, having constitutional arrangements to ensure Ram Rajya, it is not possible till the time whole chunk of population starts taking care of its environment and reduce the dependency on electronic devices which are making our life unmindful and away from nature.

    At recently concluded meeting on environment, COP at Egypt, world leaders were struggling to stop the rise in temperature at pre-industrialization level. So far all of us are responsible for 1.5 degree rise in global temperature which is in fact a very serious situation. Anyway, I believe that better sense will prevail over the time and We, as human being will once again start protecting our beautiful mother earth. For a beginning, let us pledge to walk barefoot for few minutes on daily basis. This exercise will sensitize about the significance of clean environment and enable us to feel the mother earth and definitely enhance the bond between us and mother earth...Come in to Center...Further suggestions are welcome.


'Come in to Center' is a beautiful technique where one should breathe out with self-message to de-clutter the mind and be mindful. It hardly takes few seconds and can be performed anywhere. I have inserted it in my writing to compel the reader of this post to practice it and be mindful.

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