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Sunday, June 22, 2008


Thanks Manmauji Ji...(BTW is it ur real name...or a pseudo name ;))Well to begin with u can share ur experiences while preparing for this examination...with ur kind of experience freshers like us can learn a lot and also avoid certain mistakes that might have been in leaving a portion of syllabus etc.also if u can share ur strategy for pub ad, geog and GS preparation it will be of immense help as these r the most common optionals and u will be helping a huge section of aspirants (including me :))Well I have certain queries:
1. What is the role of coaching institute in op and GS it mandatory...which r the recommended coachings for geog and pub ad according to u?
2. What shud be the structure of an answer....what all u shud right?
3. How is pub ad as an optional...lately the qn pattern is shifted towards more opinion based qns and level of objectivity is reduced.....can a person from engg background with decent writing skills master the subject over ,say , a period of few months....and how important will be additional guidance in terms of coachings?
4. Is coaching for GS compulsary...or can one do it on own..with std books and material from market...(say Vajiram and all)?I know I have asked quite a few qns..u may chose to answer me in person or reflect on them in ur blogs...I will be following ur blogs keenly...In anticipation of a quick response...
Thank you for your intrest in this blog.Ofcourse Manmauji is not my real name. For the strategy first of all read whole syllabus.Sit with past year question papers and try to generate answers.If feel comfortable thne no need of any coaching.After completion of full syllabus you can avoid few units at the examinationn time for e.g inGeo optional-Thinker unit,world economy unit [few topic you must cover for short notes],biogeography,etc and in PA-financial adm,personnel ad[few topics],etc.
[1] It is not at all mandatory to go through coaching.It depends on you and your confidence level.You can do without it. Regarding coaching can attend at anyone from Interaction,Jains,Direction for Geography and for Public Ad- VajiRam,Synergy or uniyals.
[2] First have a command over subject then start writing.You must write according to question.No need of Intro and conclusion in short can even write in points and paragraph in same answer.
[3]For me,PA is a good subject because it gives you space to express your 'mugga' has little role [4 engg it is a huge problem] can master it within few months.If you face any problem then attend the coaching.
[4]Look,I have not attended any class for you can do without is upto you how confident you feel in certain optional.....just take zerox of Vaji and mug it.Read few standard books several times.For eg histroy-Spectrum,polity-Vaji and DD Basu,Sc & Tech-Vaji,Geo-MNM series book,Stat-NCERT,Current-Vaji and Wizard,Eco-Vaji and PD special issue...I think this will be suffice and sail you through....."mugga' is must in GS....... But I will suggest you that first read whole syllabus by your own and then if requires attend the classes.In this way you can maximise your coaching.
For anyother query write to me....your views are welcome here.