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Wednesday, September 14, 2011


THE two specialised Boards under the Revenue Department – the CBEC and CBDT are expected to work with close co-operation and co-ordination for an orderly tax administration in the country. But it is a sad fact that there is hardly any communication between the Boards. Some crucial legislative changes brought in by one Board are not informed to the other Board with the result that there is an inordinate time lag between identical amendments.
Of late, there seems to be visible rivalry and petty squabbles between the Boards. A pretty building named Rajaswa Bhavan is coming up in Delhi to house the headquarters of Indian Revenue – both the Boards. It seems the CBEC is getting a few hundreds of square metres of more space in the new building than the CBDT. Office space is scarce in Lutyen's Delhi and every babu would like to have as much of it for himself. It seems CBDT has complained to Revenue headquarters that CBEC getting more space is unfair.
DDT 1633 - 20.06.2011 had reported that the Customs tableau would be part of Republic Day Parade 2012. Now the CBDT has pitched in with its demand for its own tableau.
There is nothing wrong in a department asking for its share, but both the Boards would immensely benefit if they put in a combined effort. It should be ‘together' instead of ‘against each other'. After all the time tested British scheme of ‘divide and rule' is always available for the administration.