A deputy commissioner of customs,Shashikant [Promotee officer from Appraiser cadre] posted at Inland Container Depot (ICD) Dadri in Uttar Pradesh’s Gautam Budh Nagar, and two Delhi-based businessmen have been arrested for bribery, a CBI official said Sunday. A Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) official said that seeking the release of a seized shipment consisting of tyres from the customs department, the promoter of a firm located at East of Kailash in New Delhi contacted a middleman – the owner of another private firm at Bhikaji Cama Place – who assured release of the goods on paying a bribe of Rs.500,000. On the complaint of the promoter who paid the bribe to the customs official, the deputy commissioner’s residence at Noida was raided and the bribe money recovered. During the searches that were conducted at six locations in Delhi and surrounding areas, various incriminating documents were recovered from the possession of the accused person. Apart from the bribe amount, the CBI recovered a gold brick of one kilogram, silver, diamond jewellery and documents related to investments worth more than a crore of rupees from the residential premises of the deputy commissioner. A case has been registered by CBI under sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Prevention of Corruption Act, against the deputy commissioner of customs, the two businessmen and other unknown people.
[ Source :-IANS]
Manmauji:- Hello all, once again a painful news broke out from NCR regarding the arrest of a senior revenue officer [Promoted from Appraiser]....It is disturbing to think about the overall impact of such incidence on the credibility of Indirect tax administration. According to inside sources, the accused officer has a very bad reputation in the revenue fraternity. He earned more enemies than friends in the department as per one insider of the department due to his style of functioning, character,nature and faulty personality issues.
Now the question arises, if these information are true then how such officer was given very sensitive charges..He remained posted at ICD,Dadri from last two years and before that he was in charge of central preventive wing of Noida Commissionerate [As per one officer posted at Noida]....CBEC needs to re look on the transfer/posting issues in the field formation as it is controlled and managed locally to avoid posting of bad reputation officer to sensitive areas. Due to vested interests, such officers generally got the backing from HODs and higher ups due to which the intensity of misuse of powers and corrupt practices increases. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that such officers [whatever position they have] who back corrupt officers should be identified and needs to be punished. CBEC has to take corrective measures immediately to safeguard the image of the department....keep on blogging..
[ Source :-IANS]
Manmauji:- Hello all, once again a painful news broke out from NCR regarding the arrest of a senior revenue officer [Promoted from Appraiser]....It is disturbing to think about the overall impact of such incidence on the credibility of Indirect tax administration. According to inside sources, the accused officer has a very bad reputation in the revenue fraternity. He earned more enemies than friends in the department as per one insider of the department due to his style of functioning, character,nature and faulty personality issues.
Now the question arises, if these information are true then how such officer was given very sensitive charges..He remained posted at ICD,Dadri from last two years and before that he was in charge of central preventive wing of Noida Commissionerate [As per one officer posted at Noida]....CBEC needs to re look on the transfer/posting issues in the field formation as it is controlled and managed locally to avoid posting of bad reputation officer to sensitive areas. Due to vested interests, such officers generally got the backing from HODs and higher ups due to which the intensity of misuse of powers and corrupt practices increases. Therefore, it is the need of the hour that such officers [whatever position they have] who back corrupt officers should be identified and needs to be punished. CBEC has to take corrective measures immediately to safeguard the image of the department....keep on blogging..