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Thursday, August 23, 2007

community participation

There is a sleepy village in Rajasthan.It used to get hardly 2 to 3 hours of power supply.One day electricity department official came to this village and ask them to provide 24hrs power supply with one was total check on electricity theft.These villagers were suspious about the claim.But they were ready to cooperate with them.Village communitu started vigilance on everyhousehold to prevent pilgerage.
As a consequence now this notorious dark village is getting 24hrs power supply.Rajasthan government got motivation by this unique government-community has extended this offer to 8000 villages.this experiment has shown success in those villages and now government is planning to implemnet this concept in all villages of rajasthan.
Really it is very encouraging.All other satte government should follow the footsteps of Rajasthan state electricity board to enlighten each and every village of India.


Recent incident of terrorist attack in uk is disturbing.It is not because that it is another terrorist act in high security region but due to the nature of the people involved in it.
Recent observations of terrorist activities throughout the world vindicated the changing nature and structure of this menace.Now more and more educated and brillient people are joining these groups.The causative factors may be numerous.It used to be said that it is unemployment,poverty,illeteracy,etc are few of the potential reasons which trigger people to join destructive forces.but now it is not so.
Newspapers in India are filled with reports and life of these doctors behind the glasgow incident.We have to analyse it carefully.It is not India or Pakistan which is responsible for it.According to his mother significant changes were observed in his son when he returned from UK.
I think that it is not about region,religion or colour which is behind this transformation but it is racism,isolation,discrimination and explotation of Asean in UK or in western world which triggered them to opt this devastating path.
Everybody should sit and ponder over this that we can find some way to eradicate this menace and make this world more peaceful and liveable.


Today I have gone through an article in "Hindustan Times".the report was about a mother who has thrown her four year old daughter in river hoogly from "HOWRAH BRIDGE"....She was with her eight year old son..when he cried after seeing her sister falling down, passers by got attention and they captured that insensitive lady and handed her to Police....Is She really a mother? can we imagine such an insensitive and henious act from an Indian lady...few days back there was same type of news from Benaeas where father has thrown his daughter in to the river.....
Is it the fault of that poor father who is not able to provide proper medicare to his daughter or that poor lady who may be in fear of arranging DOWRY for her marriage??? or it is a failure of our system???
We are going to celeberate 6oth year of our independence. though we have achieved many accolades in myriad of areas but few basic questions are still hounding us....we are not able to provide insurance cover and chap medicare to our citigen forget about other basic socal requirement such as education,house,food,roads etc.
thus there is a crying need to look on these issues first before compalining about others.I hope civil society will come forward to create pressure on policy makers of our country.


So finally,justice has been delivered by our TADA court on 1993 bombay blasts where more 300 people died in communal attacks from both community i.e. Hindus and is said thet justice delayed is justice took 14 years for tada court to deliver justice...but we need to give standing ovation to Justice Kode to finally come with impartial judgement.
But one thing is creating trouble in my mind. The hype created by media about Sanjay Dutt....It has been proved that he committed crime so why so fuss-fuss about it because he is an actor and son and bro of a politician.Media is trying to generate sympathy for him adn trying to prove that tada was too harsh for him..even few central ministers have come out in his is really disturbing where more than 3 lakh people are languishing in jails waiting for can we so insensitive towards these body is coming out in the favour of those poor news article published in news paper reported that one guy has spent 30 years in jails for a petty crime that he stole bread from a bakery in Lucknow.....
WE need to take pause and think about these burning issuses afflicting our system.Justice should be expedited.


Kudos to India...She is celebrating her 60th birth anniversary....In Hindu tradition this is the age for "Sanyas" or "Vanprastha Ashram"....but for a country this is a just going to be a first step of a toddler....
If we analyse the achievements of India post Independence probably we will feel elated and proud of being an Indian.Take any field ranging from agriculture,health,education,defence,infrastructure,science & technology,etc.We have myriads of successes in all these fields.
But,without having any prejudices if we review the balance sheet of India's achievements then though we will get balance in positive side but there are few areas which require immediate attention.
We are still far away to provide univarsal free education.we have largest number of malnourished children in the world.Unemployment is rampant along with corruption.Gender biasing is prevailing in every walk of life.The functioning of our temple of democracy "Parliament" is at lowest in the recent past.Judiciary is delivering justice at snail's pace.
Though future of We Indians seems very bright.Probably we will be in developed state by 2040 but if we can remove above said bottlenecks from our system then we can reach that target very soon.