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Thursday, August 23, 2007


Recent incident of terrorist attack in uk is disturbing.It is not because that it is another terrorist act in high security region but due to the nature of the people involved in it.
Recent observations of terrorist activities throughout the world vindicated the changing nature and structure of this menace.Now more and more educated and brillient people are joining these groups.The causative factors may be numerous.It used to be said that it is unemployment,poverty,illeteracy,etc are few of the potential reasons which trigger people to join destructive forces.but now it is not so.
Newspapers in India are filled with reports and life of these doctors behind the glasgow incident.We have to analyse it carefully.It is not India or Pakistan which is responsible for it.According to his mother significant changes were observed in his son when he returned from UK.
I think that it is not about region,religion or colour which is behind this transformation but it is racism,isolation,discrimination and explotation of Asean in UK or in western world which triggered them to opt this devastating path.
Everybody should sit and ponder over this that we can find some way to eradicate this menace and make this world more peaceful and liveable.


Anonymous said...

it is really have analysed the problem correctly.

Anonymous said...

In fact, the recent bomb attacks in Hyderabad and bombs 'fear' all over India is also a result of "THE CHANGING NATURE OF TERRORISTS". Why is it so that people in other countries don't allow their neighbouring countries live in peace. Since India's Independence, terrorist attacks always becomes an issue now and then and in that moment, high security is applied all over and after few days, it becomes again the same. Attacks by foreigners is possible only with the help of inland residents and such helpers should introspect themselves that what they r doing with their mother country and act accordingly.
Self Introspection with necessary good and reconciliation activity would be one of the best solutions to solve the
universal problem of unrest everywhere. But when man will realise the GREATER SELF???