Miss/Mr Anonymous:-
Dear sir, may i pose few queries for filling my online mains form-
1. Do we need to fill another form for interview in case declared successful in mains exam or would we be interviewed on the basis of info we provide now? Asking this because i feel i need some more time to ponder over the interests & hobbies i wish to declare considering that in interview i'll be judged on variety & depth of my interests.
2. Do i need to enclose attested copies of certificates of awards/scholarships/sports achievements also alongwith certificates of age & educational qualifications?
3. Starting this year, they've given option to face interview in any language. So, in case i choose english as medium of my mains examination and hindi as my interview language do i need to speak entirely in hindi or if a couple of english words/sentences be permissible? can it prove to be any kind of disadvantage?
4. I come from Haryana & no nothin much about services other than IAS, IPS & IFS. What specific factors, you suggest, to consider before fillin preferences?
Thanks in advance
Manmauji:- Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog and congratulations on clearing CSE[pre]-2011....Regarding your query, I will reply one by one:-
[1] Since the system has changed now, so I am not sure about it. Possibly, you need not fill any other form for Interview. May be you will be asked to submit summary sheet of your bio data at the time of Interview.
[2] You need to submit attested copies of your age proof and educational qualification only. There is no need to submit any other details with the form.
[3] This is the new initiative taken by UPSC regarding interview in any language and this happens because of the untiring effort of my very good friend Mr Chitranjan who fought this case in Mumbai High Court...Though, you need to speak only in the selected language but the knowledge of English will be quite beneficial.
[4] I have posted a writeup on the preference order of services for CSE mains form...It is available under the title 'comparision between IRS[C&CE] Vs IRS[IT]'...you can browse the blog and fill accordingly of course with consultation with seniors....further query is welcome...good luck to CSE Mains....keep on blogging...