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Monday, March 20, 2023

My Learning from Photograph of God Vishnu

 Pranam!!! In most of the houses which belongs to Hindus [It's my assumption] across the world have seen the above photograph somewhere...It may be placed in Puja room or at some prominent place. It belongs to Bhagwan Vishnu who is resting on the tail of ferocious snake [NAG], the Goddess of wealth Laxmi  Mata is seen at the feet. Bhagwan Vishnu is seen lying in vast ocean known as Ksheer Sagar [the ocean of milk]. The prominent feature of this photograph is the peace and calmness visible on the face of Bhagwan Vishnu. 

     In my childhood days, I used to see this photograph almost daily as it was kept at several places in my house. I used to visualize about the Bhagwan who is sitting in the lap of venomous snake who has several mouths. I wondered how Bhagwan Visnhu is able to maintain HIS calmness in such a dreadful situation. I used to think that since HE is a Bhagwan so HE can do such act, a normal human being can't relax in such awful situation.

    Time passed and I started reading the books of several Saints and listened Satsang of several knowledgeable persons. I came to know that our scriptures were written by great people and all these scriptures have very significant knowledge base. However, they were written with lot of indicative manner to make common people get some sense of it in an interesting manner. Since, when these scriptures must have been developed long ago, there may not be a proper script to write it down. Therefore, these scriptures were transferred through generations to generations vide telling stories. This makes it interesting. To make the future generations understand the deep meaning of spiritual things, stories were narrated in a very interesting manner sometimes in exacerbated way to make it easy to learn. But, sadly in the process, the real meaning got lost somewhere in between or may be there is shortage of genuine knowledgeable people to decode the real meaning behind such stories and inform to the common masses.

     I encountered a very beautiful decoding of the above photograph which I thought I should share with all of you. You probably may have different interpretation of the above photograph. I would request all of you to share your thoughts on it.

     As per my understanding and on the basis of discourses attended by me, the above photograph contains a very powerful message to the common people about 'How to live life'. We all agree that each one of us faces ups and downs in life and routinely faces problems of myriad nature. But no problem can be greater than a threat to life which a venomous and ferocious snake poses to Bhagwan Vishnu in the above referred image. One can have vast properties/ land or kingdom of huge size but not greater than an Ocean depicted in above image which Bhagwan Vishnu has. One can have huge wealth but not that much where Mata Laxmi herself is available on the feet of Bhagwan Vishnu in above image. Despite having continuous threat to life, vast kingdom of Ksheer Sagar size [ocean of Milk] and massive wealth like Bhagwan Vishnu, how should someone live his/her life?   One can take lesson from Bhagwan Vishnu from above image, that despite of having all odds against and massive wealth and kingdom, HE is seen relaxing and having no fear on HIS face. If all of us get this message and train our mind on daily basis, I believe that we will not be affected by any EGO or self-importance nor would be affected by small problems in our life. I think this is the powerful message from this image to all of us. We should see this image every day and practice it with devotion with message to our mind that ' it seems everything matters but at last nothing matters eventually'. This is the message Pujya Swami ji also gives in his discourses and same message is also contained in Shree Bhagwat Geeta. Therefore, be wise and mindful and enjoy every moment of life...

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