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Friday, December 9, 2011

Reply to All Mails received on Comparision on IRS[C&CE] Vs IRS[IT]

Miss/Mr Anonymous:- hello sir .since u have given such wonderful insights regarding irs it and irs(c and e)i would like u to throw some light at lower level of this department.what should on e choose between income tax inspector,excise inspector and preventive officer etc.which one wil be better?thanks
Mr @prasanth:-i strongly take exception to ur views that corruption is prevalent only in the promoted irs officers from the lower level.what u wanna suggest?that the higher ups r all clean and the lower ones r all crooks.better think before u say anything.suich a biased comment u have made.
Miss/Mr Anonymous:- at the lower level of these departments ie group b post selected through ssc ppl prefer it inspector ahead of customs and excise inspectors.and same is the trend in civils!ppl do opt for it ahead of customs and central excise.and promotion wise it is better .whether in group a or group b.anyways no need to repent whatever u get.all r gud jobs
Miss/Mr Heman_OJ:-dear Manmauji
please don't ruin lives of youngsters in order to satiate your own frustration in life.
further queries are not welcome
Manmauji:- Hello everybody...thanks for visiting the blog and taking pain to express your feelings...I will try to reply on above comments one by one....Regarding joining the revenue Department at Group B one rightly wrote that these posts are filled by SSC through competitive examination...It is a fact that the promotion in IT department for Group B posts are fast and good as compared to excise and customs...So one must keep this in mind apart from variety of work and other related perks before choosing any particular department.
Regarding second comment, I am extremely sorry to heart your feeling...I want to make it clear that the articles published on this post are not only by Manmauji but written by several other people though published in the name of Manmauji only...The views expressed in that particular post may be by that writer only...Manmauji want to make it clear that corruption is prevalent to all ranks and file of every department...We need to eradicate this menace from the government department..It is not a correct fact that only promoted IRS officer are corrupt..There are numerous very good and hones officers are working in department from promoted pool as well..So it is wrong that only promoted officer are corrupt..Corruption is not specif to post it is from person to person...
Regarding comment is rightly said that all services are good and have ample chance of should opt it on the basis of individual interest,expertise,etc...this view has been reiterated several times by Manmauji.
Regarding comment by Mr Manoj, I want to make it clear that I am not ruining anybody career...I am just trying to put all the facts before the readers...I always wrote that the choice has to be by individual with proper consideration/consultations/individual preferences,etc....As far as the job satisfaction analysis post,It has been written on the basis of DOPT report...One can see it on ....I am just putting the facts which has been published by Ministry of Personnel...How it is related with frustration of one's life Mr Manoj...All the articles published on this blog are just for discussion and debate and not meant to show some body down or up...All are good services and huge potential for individual development...In a big democratic country like India, every organ is important for the smooth functioning of this Country....further queries are indeed Welcome...keep on blogging...

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Service Wise Analysis of Satisfaction among the Civil Servants

Hello everybody...DOPT has  recently released a survey report mentioning numerous factors affecting Civil Servants of India....I thought it prudent to publish a part of the report here:-
" About 73% of the respondents reported that they are satisfied in their current assignment, as
compared to 22% who expressed dissatisfaction while 6% were not sure. The service wise analysis
of the responses indicates that except for IRPS where satisfaction level is relatively lower (60%),
the rest of the services score high on the satisfaction level"
   As per % figure the level of satisfaction from Job is as follows for different services:-
[3]IFS- 80.4%
Thus it is clear from this survey that level of satisfaction is highest in IFS followed by Inidian Audit and Accounts Service[IAAS]...IRS[C&CE] is happier than IAS and least happy souls are in IRPS and IRS[IT]...It is indeed a reality. This further re-confirms the analysis posted on this blog earlier on comparison between IRS[C&CE] Vs IRS[IT]...All Civil Service Aspirants now should think twice before filling their choices of service preference in CSE[Mains] form....keep on blogging.. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Interesting story to read

I often wonder what would have happened to my career if Mr Ravanna Bhairam, the consultant, was not around. I must confess that I used his brilliance and problem-solving capabilities in my personal matters too!
Whenever I thought of going on trek, my boss created the first hurdle by denying leave, which I could somehow cross with the guidance of Mr. Bhairam. But, then, for creating a complete hell, if boss is not enough, wife would certainly be. My wife too, belonging to the same species - who have remained unchanged since the times of King Dashrath's wife Kaikayee - would raise such a hue and cry, and create such a racket that I would have to think about abandoning the trek. Finally, and with some reluctance, I decided to seek Mr. Bhairam's advice in this matter too.
++ Mr. Bhairam, I have a small problem of personal nature. Would you mind helping me out?
++ Yes, sir, it will be my privilege.
++ Mr. Bhairam, please don't call me ‘sir'. It's so embarrassing.
++ I am sorry. I thought it would be the other way round.
++ Now, Mr. Bhairam, you are pulling my leg …
++ OK. OK. Tell me your problem.
++ Now my wife does not permit me to go on trek …
++ Why did you disturb me for such a petty problem? Anyway it will be solved in 15 minutes.
++ 15 minutes? Are you joking, Mr. Bhairam…
I realized that Mr. Bhairam was no more on the line to listen to my doubts. I was disheartened that Mr. Bhairam had not seriously heard my problem. A problem which I could not solve in 30 years, how could it be solved in 15 minutes! Even by Mr Bhairam!
Twelve minutes later, a person knocked at my door and introduced himself as the High Risk Insurer sent by Mr. Bhairam. He asked me a few questions, filled up a form, told me to sign it, asked for a cheque for hefty premium, issued a receipt which he told me to show to my wife as per Mr. Bhairam's advice. Following the advice strictly, I entered my home with this receipt. I don't know how it happened but the problem was solved instantly. She asked me when I intended to go for trekking and told me that she was proud of her husband undertaking such risk-taking adventurous activities. Now, like Maharani Jodha of the old Hindi film ‘Mughal-e-Azam' who had put ‘tilak' on Akbar's forehead and had handed him the mighty sword with wishes for success in the battle, my wife too ceremoniously presents me the trekking bag with a smile which I used to see during our courtship days and never expected to see again since tying the knot. Mr. Bhairam, tussi great ho!
There are any number of official matters too where Mr. Ravanna Bhairam has been my saviour. Just to recall one such matter, a subordinate officer had jacked the assessable value of watches imported from Switzerland from 40 dollars each to 200 dollars each on the ground that watches from that country were quite expensive according to contemporaneous imports report. When the importer came crying to me, I enquired from the assessing officer whether the brand which was imported by this importer was the same which had been imported in the past at the rate of 200 dollars each. The experienced assessing officer told me that there had been no import of exactly same brand but watches from Switzerland were so costly that the price of the watches in the instant case could not be less than 200 dollars each. He said that he had been doing assessment for 20 years. It was a subtle dig at my experience of just 20 days on the job! However, I found his reasoning to be far from just and legal. As only my boss had the power to over-rule any unjust or illegal decision, I thought I must brief him and let him do justice to this poor trader.
++ Sir, I just wanted to bring a case to your notice where the assessing officer has unjustly hiked the assessable value of watches from 40 dollars to 200 dollars.
++ Then what? Why are you bothered?
++ Sir, I feel that injustice is being done to the importer without any justifiable reason and we should remedy it.
++ Now you will speak on behalf of smugglers! What type of revenue officer are you, protesting against a pro-revenue decision? I had never come across such attitude in our times. Listen, we are already behind revenue target. Every penny that we can collect must be collected. By the way,…
He did not complete the sentence but I knew that by raising this issue, I had put my own integrity in doubt. The conversation ended at that point.
My conscience started pricking me again for my inability to get justice for a person who had come to me with such big hopes. Now, nobody is going to believe that a bureaucrat too can have a conscience. In fact, Mr. Ravanna Bhairam often says that it takes 5 to 7 years for a bureaucrat's conscience to die peacefully, and if it still survives that period, there is an inbuilt mechanism to kill it as its prolonged life is threat to the sheer survival of the system as well as the officer.
Seeing no other option available, I thought of Mr. Ravanna Bhairam. I was wondering what he would think of my strange problem. Would he believe that I had no personal interest in this matter? These thoughts were driving me mad but ultimately I decided that whatever my boss thought and whatever Mr. Ravanna Bhairam thought, I had to help.
I called Mr. Ravanna Bhairam and gave him the details of the case. To my surprise, I found that the importer for whom I was looking for solution had already approached him. It seemed that I was not the only one who had immense faith in Mr. Bhairam's competence. Mr. Bhairam told me that I did not have to worry as the problem at hand would be solved in another 15 minutes or so. 15 minutes? Was he mad? What did he think of himself? Did he have a magic wand? Which authority dispenses such quick justice!
While I was still speculating about what all Mr. Ravanna Bhairam could do, my boss called me for an important matter – a statistical report to be sent about our achievements. While he was talking to me, the phone rang. On hearing the voice on the other side, he stood up as a mark of respect to the speaker on the other end. By the time conversation ended, he was badly shaken. “Bring me the watches case file at once”, he said breathlessly. After the file had been brought, the shouting session started:
++ All of you are out to kill my career! Why has the value been enhanced in this case from 40 dollars to 200 dollars? Are you not even aware of the Customs Valuation Rules according to which transaction value should be accepted unless there is evidence to disprove it?
++ Yes, sir, I am aware.
++ If you were aware, how did you let your assessing officer do this patently illegal act? Does it not show the lack of supervision on your part?
++ Sir, I wanted to discuss the matter with you yesterday..
++ Don't make silly excuses now for this serious lapse. You are not going to go far if you have such an attitude. We are not here to extract revenue through illegal means. Are you not aware of the Govt. instructions on the subject?
++ Sir, I…
++ Now stop this irresponsible behavior. I want this wrong rectified at once.
++ Yes, sir. It shall be done.
The whole exercise of undoing the wrong done by the assessing officer was completed within the time specified by Mr. Ravanna Bhairam.
After leaving my boss's chamber, I dialed Mr. Bhairam's number.
++ Hello, Mr. Bhairam. Thank you. The problem has been resolved.
++ No mention please. It was not a problem at all.
++ You are a real genius Mr. Bhairam. But how did you manage this? Somebody rang up the boss and beat him into a reasonable and considerate pulp. Who on earth was that and how did you---
++ Simple. It was the boss of your boss. He is one of the many officers who have been seeking my innovative solutions before every AGT for staying put at the same station for last twenty years or even more! Obviously, when I ring up one of them, they are bound to oblige!
I wish Dholpur House starts recruiting at least one consultant like him for every hundred officers like my boss, including, of course, me.
Source:- Article by Sri DD Rishi,IRS[C&CE]

Red Tapism...must read for all IAS-aspirants

A great door, old and studded with large nails and set in a massive doorway of stone…..and here enters Jonathan Harker into the Castle of Count Dracula….scared….there are only frowning walls and dark windows around….howling of jackals…..and a smell of centuries of weariness and boredom.
The feeling was somewhat similar when I had to enter the North Block to see Mr. Ravanna Bhiram, Under Secretary, who could, my boss believed, get us a tax exemption on the old and used clothes donated by a Scottish charity for free distribution to the Indian poor i.e. those living below the Rs.32 a day level as per the findings of our Planning Commission. The sentry at the gate stopped and frisked me thoroughly. There had been a high alert in North Block as ‘plastic adhesives' had been found planted in the FM's office and he had to request the PM to intervene. Private detectives hired for electronic sweep had confirmed the presence of these ‘plastic adhesives' at 16 places, which later IB insisted were nothing but chewing gum.
I had been told by a friend that the best time to find an Under Secretary in his room is around the closing time, that is, 5.45 PM as they are more likely to be busy at any other time in official meetings and, more often, in unofficial meetings with their lunch group discussing how their cadre restructuring is ultimately in the interest of national economy.
After having located him at the right time and also after having extended him an invitation to dinner, I was comfortable for a friendly talk with him.
“Sir, this place looks so awesome…..I am curious to know what all you do here”, I asked.
“It is here that we handle the matters relating to collection of revenue and economic security of the nation”, he answered with lot of pride in his voice.
I did not tell him what I thought about the recent ‘chewing gum attack' on national economy…..and also the great expertise shown by them in handling this act of terrorism.
“I heard you handle the union budget too…”, I enquired.
“Well, we don't talk about it. In fact it is nation's most well-kept secret till 28 th February each year ………….”, he said.
“I am sorry, sir. I did not know about this. But why is it kept so secret?”
“I really don't know. May be it is prescribed in budget manual or something…… fact nobody knows for sure……”.
“Sir, why is it presented only on the 28 th February?”
“I told you it must be something to do with some budget manual……”
“Sir, I see bundles and bundles of papers here…… do you manage such a load of work…it is awesome indeed”, I tried to show my appreciation.
“Most of these are the letters we receive from our field offices. These jokers have nothing to do except shoot letters to us!”
“What do you do with these letters?”
“….to tell you the truth, most of these are just archived in these bundles…” he laughed for the first time.
“Sir, how much time will it take for our request to be accepted…..I mean when should I come for the approval order?” I thought it was time to talk about my own business here.
“We will try to do it at the earliest. Just hand over your request to the P.S. to Secretary”.
“Sir, I thought you will be handling this matter……”
“That is right. But the representation is addressed to the Secretary….just give it to his P.S. It will come to me.”
“Personal Secretary…”
“That is really super-specialization here….your secretary too has his personal secretary…That is really………….!”
“Oh, no, not my personal secretary but personal secretary to the secretary to the Government of India…..forget it, you won't understand. Just do what you are told to do….”
“No problem, sir. It will come to you today. Isn't it?”
“Look, we don't follow the systems that you follow….I think I will have to explain it to you…you are too inquisitive! This representation will be received by the P.S. to the Secretary who will give it to his peon to stamp it and then it will be given to the clerk to be entered in the Receipt Diary…it will then go to the Secretary who will mark it to the Additional Secretary… will come back to the P.S. to the Secretary and will be entered in Dispatch Diary and also the Peon Book and delivered by a peon to the P.S. to the Additional Secretary who too will have a stamped again and send it to Additional Secretary who will mark it to Joint Secretary…….it is a long drill before it will reach me…”
“My God! But you will decide it when it reaches you, I am sure..?”
“No, I will mark it to Section Officer who will mark it to Dealing Assistant who will open file and put up to Section Officer who will then send it to me..”
“Oh, God, it will be a long journey……But still it will finally reach you!”
“Oh no, when it comes to me, it will follow the same route upwards to Deputy Secretary, Joint Secretary, Additional Secretary, Secretary and then the Minister through their personal secretaries…”
“Then it will travel back to me following the same route…”
“Oh my God…anything further?”
“Not much… will go back to the Section Officer and the Dealing Assistant who will put up a formal order for my signatures and………”
“Sir, sir, I have understood…. sir.”
“Procedures are procedures……….gentleman….you appear to be quite disturbed?”
Ravanna is right. Procedures are procedures. And it will take a lot of procedures to take all the countrymen above the Rs. 32 per day limit!
Source:- article by Sri DD Rishi,IRS[C&CE]

Monday, November 7, 2011

Regarding IRPS Vs IDAS...Reply to Miss Hina

Miss Hina:- Sir i have visited them so many times and sent them various requests and reminders even to MoS and PM but my plea has fallen on deaf ears.I was selected in CSE-2008.the person who is ahead of me is a diabetic and has failed in medical examination one month back even his medical reports havre reached Dopt.He has gone to media for exemption as exemption has already been granted to Sukhsohit Singh,a thalassemic major.Sir kindly advice me if I can too go to media as it is getting very much delayed as my batchmates have gone fr training around 6 months back.Kindly guide me what to do and please give a compartive account of IRPS and IDAS.
Manmauji:- Hello Miss Hina, thanks for your visit on the blog...Regarding your query, as I replied in your earlier query,if you have already did so many things I don't think going to media will help you much as it is procedural delays on the part of can ask once more...Since, you are already selected, you can wait for some more time as it will not affect your candidature..But I can understand your anxiety as enough time has already been passed....You can take the help of RTI....regarding your other query, I can only tell few things as both are group A service and infrastructure wise both services are good..but facility wise,IRPS is better in the sense that you will get comfort of Indian Railways along with your family till you are in the wise, IDAS will be more accounting type where you will be accounting defence related transactions..on the other hand, IRPS will look after all recruitment related work of Indian Railways...Though, IDAS too have good and spacious housing and other of the things remains same...Deputation posting are open for both the services after certain length of service...further query is welcome...keep on blogging...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Regarding service allocation...Reply to Dr Hina

Dr Hina:  Sir Im Dr.Hina selected in reserve list 2008.i was provisionally allocated IDAS in april 2011 but till date my allocation is not finalised by DoPT due to a diabetic candidate pending ahead of me. I have not been sent to training.Can u give me any advice as to what to do ?
Manmauji:- Hello Dr Hina, thanks for your visit on the blog and congratulations for getting in to CSE...Regarding your query, you can immediately make a personal visit to DoPT and ask the status of your service and joining....Since, you are selected through CSE-2007, there will be chances that you may be asked to join your parent academy directly in the month of December when foundation course is over for CSE-2010 officers...So you may wait for 2 more months and advised to visit DoPT....further query is welcome....keep on blogging...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Must Read Article By Sri Vinod Rai,CAG of India

Rather than paralysing the administration, as some critics say, good policing and auditing are an essential aid to good governance.
           I wish to make three propositions today and seek your reactions on whether you agree and whether you are in a position to be a participant in ensuring that the All India Services regain their past glory.
First: That governance is at its lowest ebb. That the morale of the civil servants is low. That credibility of the government is at its lowest. That decision-making has become a casualty. Second: That this situation is deleterious for the nation. That too much is at stake for too many in such a situation. Third: On you and officers of the All India Services, among others, rests the onus to remedy the situation.
Why do I make my first proposition? We have Chief Ministers who have had to vacate their positions allegedly for graft, on whom courts and other judicial bodies have made adverse pronouncements. We have Union Cabinet Ministers who are in prison. We have Union Cabinet Ministers who have had to vacate their positions, allegedly on complaints of ill doing. We have Members of Parliament who are being indicted by the judiciary for various acts, including accepting cash for exercising their vote in Parliament and also seeking cash to ask questions in the House. In the civil service we have many examples. They are too many to merit counting now!
Today, we are facing a testing time in the history of our nation. The quality of governance is below par. There has been an erosion of people's faith in government. Their confidence in public institutions has declined. National trust in the bureaucracy, including the police force has collapsed. The integrity and professionalism of civil servants are being questioned. This has brought the credibility of the government to the lowest since Independence.
Can you and I stand up in the society and claim we belong to a service which administers this country with probity and efficiency? Most of us would not be able to convince ourselves that we are capable of being part of a legacy which provided this nation the foundations on which the edifice of good governance stood. And that is where the greatest challenge to the police force lies today, when the moral fabric of the nation seems to be tearing apart in the absence of an optimal governance system, characterised by a near total absence of accountability; where loyalty takes precedence over the sense of one's duty, and where national interests are often, and with impunity, subjugated to individual gains.
Today in some quarters there is sharp criticism of the police force for being perceived as principal violators of the law, exhibiting rude behaviour, abusive language, lack of professionalism and insensitivity towards victims of violent crimes. This perception has to be reversed. Public confidence in the police has to be restored. As leaders, you must change the mindset of the police force if you want to be seen as friendly, compassionate and sensitive to the genuine concerns of the people. This can happen only if we can substitute the ‘force' psychology that permeates significant sections of the police organisation with a ‘service' psychology.
Including the citizen
Now I come to my second proposition: Why do I say that too much is at stake for too many people? As all of you are aware, we are among the fastest growing economies of the world. This is indeed commendable. But, there is no room for complacency. We have to ensure smooth development and ‘inclusive growth'. Our actions will provide stability in the nation, thereby ensuring rapid economic growth. It is a poor commentary on our attempts to foster growth if 64 years after Independence we still believe Rs.32 defines a poverty line!
We are living in an era in which good governance has assumed primacy in public discourse as it is expected to lead to improvement in the quality of life of citizens. Ironically, the demand for good governance is entwined with the demand for less governance as well. However, it is universally agreed by all those propagating a minimal state approach that ensuring the security of the citizens is a primary duty of the state which cannot be diluted in any manner. The responsibility assigned to the members of the Indian Police Service is to make this a reality.
All of us in government must recognise that the citizen in our democracy has come centre-stage. He has become very discerning, demanding. Governance by use of force is no longer of any consequence.
No instrument or institution of the State can remain immune to the evolutionary process taking place in our society. The public demand for shift of power from bureaucrats to citizens has led to change of governance structures. In fact, there are even demands for sharing of the legislative functions by moving from a representative raj to direct people's raj. All these demands stem from an increased awareness of the citizen to participate in decisions relating to governance, development and welfare entitlements through decentralised governance structures.
In the audit arena, this is recognised through social audits, in which citizens are actively involved in planning and executing the audit and by disseminating the reports to the affected community. In the police force, this finds expression through the concept of community policing. I do not see this merely as a strategy to overcome the human resource shortage in our police forces or as a cost cutting measure. Rather, it is an act of faith in the capabilities of our fellow citizens to govern themselves. Each terrorist attack in our country is yet another grim reminder to us that extremist acts can be tamed only through active involvement of the public in management of security. You cannot find a better force multiplier than the one billion Indians ever willing to render a helping hand. However, this can succeed only if police officers are willing to shed traditional notions of policing and begin to consider the citizen as partners in law enforcement.
Not adversaries
My third proposition: The earlier we accept the need to promote change and innovation, the earlier we would have established the efficacy of the police service and, thereby, the credibility of government. This would restore public confidence in the state. And that is why I stand before you to request that you become the change agent.
All attempts to improve governance will come to naught if the agencies responsible for governance do not consider probity in public life and ethical behaviour as cardinal principles in their official dealings. In this, the police force and audit have a twin role to play. While we must ourselves maintain the highest standards of probity, both these agencies are also mandated to enforce such standards on those involved in public administration. Prevention, they say, is better than cure. Watchful, efficient and effective vigilance and auditing structures similarly minimise, if not prevent, threats to accountable administration of public funds. Internal decay is sometimes more dangerous to the prosperity of the nation than external aggression. The decay can emanate from the cancer of corruption, criminalisation of society or neglect of responsibilities. The police forces have a critical role in creating a national ethos that promotes public order and zero tolerance for corruption and criminal activities through discharge of their duties without fear or favour.
One of the oft-repeated criticisms against enforcement and accountability institutions is that they paralyse administration, kill initiative and reward votaries of the status quo. Such debates are common in our country today more than ever with a number of recently released reports by the Indian Audit and Accounts Department pointing out irregularities and the follow up action taken thereon by other law enforcement agencies.
These criticisms emanate from a mind-set that views accountability agencies as an adversary than as an aid to good governance and better management. While the primary responsibility of the audit institution is to report to Parliament about the proper utilisation of public funds, it is also conscious of the need for adding value to the audited organisation through its reports. Similarly, the restraining influence of the police forces on those elements of the society indulging in unethical and unlawful behaviour is also a critical factor for good governance.
There is, therefore, an urgent need to change the outlook on accountability initiatives, be it audit or law enforcement agencies, and respond to them as partners in ensuring orderly and efficient use of public funds, development of sound financial management and orderly execution of administrative and developmental activities.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New BPL criteria.....A Big joke by Government Agency...

खुश हो जाइए आप अमीर हैं अगर आप रोज़ खरीद सकते हैं -

0.44 रुपये का फल

0.70 रुपये की चीनी

5.00 रुपये का गेहूं

5.00 रुपये का चावल

1.00 की दाल

2.30 रुपये का दूध 85 ग्राम

1.80 रुपये की सब्जी

याने अगर आप रोज़ 32 रुपये रोज़ खर्च करने की हैसियत रखते हैं तोआप अमीर हैं... आपको कोई सबसिडी नहीं मिलेगी...योजना आयोग (अध्यक्ष मौनमोहन) ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट को बताया है की गाँव मे 26 रुपया और शहर मे 32 रुपया कहर्च कर सकने वाला व्यक्ति गरीब नहीं है... चार लोगों के परिवार को महीने मे 3860 रुपये पर्याप्त होते हैं ... अब आप हिसाब लगाये आप कितने अमीर ? .....
I feel pathetic about data collecting and analysing agencies in India which are far far away from ground realities...This is the reason behind the failure of maximum developmental schemes....An Aeroplane approach towards making developmental policies will never help India...We have to be realistic and adopt helicopter approach for developmental policy making to bridge the gap between INDIA Vs BHARAT...Keep on blogging..
Source:- Hindi part from an E-Mail received from friend

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Eye opening report of CVC....Anna Effect???

 THE Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) disposed of 1681 cases during July 2011 referred to it for advice. Of these, 1263 complaints were sent for necessary action/ATR whereas 94 complaints were sent for investigation and report. No action was required on 287 complaints.
      The Commission advised imposition of major penalty against 165 officers including 22 from Ministry of Railway, 17 from Union Bank of India, 13 from Punjab National Bank, 11 each from Corporation Bank and South Eastern Coalfields Ltd., 9 from Employees Provident Fund Organisation, 8 from Ministry of Urban Development, 7 each from Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Surface Transport and Central Board of Excise & Customs, 6 from Syndicate Bank, 5 from Oriental Bank of Commerce. 4 each from Central Board of Direct Taxes, Central Coalfields Ltd. and United India Insurance Co. Ltd. Remaining 30 cases pertained to different departments of the Government of India and PSUs. Recoveries to the tune of about Rs.5.94 crore were effected after Commission conducted technical examination of some departments.
          But I am surprised to see no names from IAS,IPS,IFS,IFoS.....from the above report it seems major irregularities are in Banking sector...I doubt....what about state bureaucracy???....or it is only matter of chance that other service officials are an easy prey of CVC and IAS,IPS,IFS and IFoS are powerful enough to be touched by CVC..

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


THE two specialised Boards under the Revenue Department – the CBEC and CBDT are expected to work with close co-operation and co-ordination for an orderly tax administration in the country. But it is a sad fact that there is hardly any communication between the Boards. Some crucial legislative changes brought in by one Board are not informed to the other Board with the result that there is an inordinate time lag between identical amendments.
Of late, there seems to be visible rivalry and petty squabbles between the Boards. A pretty building named Rajaswa Bhavan is coming up in Delhi to house the headquarters of Indian Revenue – both the Boards. It seems the CBEC is getting a few hundreds of square metres of more space in the new building than the CBDT. Office space is scarce in Lutyen's Delhi and every babu would like to have as much of it for himself. It seems CBDT has complained to Revenue headquarters that CBEC getting more space is unfair.
DDT 1633 - 20.06.2011 had reported that the Customs tableau would be part of Republic Day Parade 2012. Now the CBDT has pitched in with its demand for its own tableau.
There is nothing wrong in a department asking for its share, but both the Boards would immensely benefit if they put in a combined effort. It should be ‘together' instead of ‘against each other'. After all the time tested British scheme of ‘divide and rule' is always available for the administration.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Should Sri Anna Hazare get Bharat Ratna or Nobel Peace Prize???

Hello everybody....during last few months, India is witnessing turmoil in socio-economic-political milieu..At one hand, country is witnessing increasing crime against women,old age,weaker sections, fake encounter,etc...on the other hand, common people is suffering hugely by increasing prices,inflation,corruption,etc and on the political front, instability, blinking leadership,corruption allegations, Dharnas etc.
     I was closely monitoring the recent development specially during Anna Hazare's Satyagraha which was 100% peaceful and on the lines of Gandhian Styagraha...We must appreciate the way the battle against corruption, maladministration and trust deficit between government and civil society is being fought in the context when several countries are undergoing political turmoil, clashes between the ruling and opposition,etc...In our country also, common man is suffering from all malice due to red tapism,corruption and inefficiency but still He has the patience and manner to fight his battle with peaceful means despite myriads of provocation. The credit to this show of  peaceful protest must goes to the founding father of the nation, freedom fighters as well as Team Anna headed by Sri Anna Hazare Ji....Anna ji has become a popular ICON....Indian youth has found him as their Ideal after a long time. Country is looking towards him with lots of Hope and aspirations to make this country corruption free and livable place.
  I think after JP movement in late seventies, this was the second largest peaceful protest staged across the country despite having any overt political or organisational steering....Civil society voluntarily came forward to carry forward this movement. They all were united behind Anna ji who was preaching non violence method of protest. As a result of JP movement several new leaders came on the political canvass and people of this country blessed them power at the Centre...on the same line, I think Anna ji has done lot of good things to the society and in future also he is going to be an inspiration to numerous paradigm shift in the institutional arrangements in the country. Therefore, I strongly advocate 'Bharat Ratna' award to Sri Anna Hazare Ji...Who else can be a better option to this award ?? This way, Indian citizens will definitely blessed Sri Anna ji in real sense.
        Besides, if we see the global context where institutional changes are being carried out through violent means or through BIG BOSS intervention e.g. regime change in Iraq,Egypt or Syria, Indian peaceful protest to change the systemic faults under the leadership of Anna Ji is a beacon to rest of the world. He shows to the world that how a powerful centre can bent before the peaceful protest of millions of citizen of the Country..How a dictatorial attitude of leader can be changed without shedding a drop of blood. In the real sense Anna Ji is a messenger of World Peace.. Therefore, I firmly believe that Sri Anna Hazare ji should be honoured by Nobel Peace Prize...
       One may not be agreed by the views expressed above but at some corner of his/her heart must be feeling obliged towards Sri Anna Hazare ji who at the age of 74 yrs fasted for 12 days for common cause.
Now I invite responsible readers of this blog to comment on Should Sri Anna Hazare ji get Bharat Ratna or Nobel Peace Prize Award for his work?....keep on blogging...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Regarding State Cadre preferences...Reply to Mr Maddy

Mr Maddy:- Respected Manmauji ji,
I have cleared the prelim 11. So its time to fill DAF. Plz suggest about cadre preference. Kuch kar ke dekhana aur dikhana hai sir ji! Yea, the good old romanticism! So plz suggest me 5 states for IAS n 5 other for IPS with ample opportunities. thanx in advanced.
Manmauji :-Hello Mr Maddy, thanks for your visit on the blog and congratulations for your success in CSE[pre]...regarding your state cadre preferences, it depends on several factors e.g your home state and your individual preference/choice...for ex if your home state is UP then it could be UP,MP,Rajasthan,Hariyana,Uttarakhand,Maharashtra, etc for both IAS and IPS...I mean to say is if you belongs to north Indian states, you will naturally enjoy working in Hindi speaking states and if you belongs to south India, you prefer to work in southern part of the country..same is with north eastern states as well....the opportunity to work is ample in each and every state....good luck for the mains...further query is welcome....keep on blogging... 

Regarding OBC certificate....Reply to Mr Rajiv L

Mr Rajiv L:-
     Dear Sir, In case I've some discrepancy in my OBC Certificate to be submitted to upsc for mains examination. Will the UPSC provisionally allow me to take the exam and give time later to rectify the mistake and get a fresh certificate or I need to rectify it now?
Rajiv L.
Manmauji:-- Hello Mr Rajiv L, thanks for your visit on the blog...Regarding your query, you need to rectify the mistakes in OBC certificate immediately as you may loose the benefit of OBC at the time of verification of the document by UPSC....further query is welcome...keep on blogging...

Regarding CSE mains form....Reply to Miss/Mr Anonymous

Miss/Mr Anonymous:-
 Dear sir, may i pose few queries for filling my online mains form-
1. Do we need to fill another form for interview in case declared successful in mains exam or would we be interviewed on the basis of info we provide now? Asking this because i feel i need some more time to ponder over the interests & hobbies i wish to declare considering that in interview i'll be judged on variety & depth of my interests.
 2. Do i need to enclose attested copies of certificates of awards/scholarships/sports achievements also alongwith certificates of age & educational qualifications?
3. Starting this year, they've given option to face interview in any language. So, in case i choose english as medium of my mains examination and hindi as my interview language do i need to speak entirely in hindi or if a couple of english words/sentences be permissible? can it prove to be any kind of disadvantage?
4. I come from Haryana & no nothin much about services other than IAS, IPS & IFS. What specific factors, you suggest, to consider before fillin preferences?
Thanks in advance
Manmauji:- Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog and congratulations on clearing CSE[pre]-2011....Regarding your query, I will reply one by one:-
[1] Since the system has changed now, so I am not sure about it. Possibly, you need not fill any other form for Interview. May be you will be asked to submit summary sheet of your bio data at the time of Interview.
[2] You need to submit attested copies of your age proof and educational qualification only. There is no need to submit any other details with the form.
[3] This is the new initiative taken by UPSC regarding interview in any language and this happens because of the untiring effort of my very good friend Mr Chitranjan who fought this case in Mumbai High Court...Though, you need to speak only in the selected language but the knowledge of English will be quite beneficial.
[4] I have posted a writeup on the preference order of services for CSE mains form...It is available under the title 'comparision between IRS[C&CE] Vs IRS[IT]' can browse the blog and fill accordingly of course with consultation with seniors....further query is welcome...good luck to CSE Mains....keep on blogging...

Monday, August 22, 2011

An E-Mail received by me......

280 लाख करोड़ का सवाल है ...
भारतीय गरीब है लेकिन भारत देश कभी गरीब नहीं रहा"* ये कहना है स्विस बैंक के
डाइरेक्टर का. स्विस बैंक के डाइरेक्टर ने यह भी कहा है कि भारत का लगभग 280 लाख
करोड़ रुपये उनके स्विस बैंक में जमा है. ये रकम इतनी है कि भारत का आने वाले 30
सालों का बजट बिना टैक्स के बनाया जा सकता है.
या यूँ कहें कि 60 करोड़ रोजगार के अवसर दिए जा सकते है. या यूँ भी कह सकते है
कि भारत के किसी भी गाँव से दिल्ली तक 4 लेन रोड बनाया जा सकता है.
ऐसा भी कह सकते है कि 500 से ज्यादा सामाजिक प्रोजेक्ट पूर्ण किये जा सकते है. ये
रकम इतनी ज्यादा है कि अगर हर भारतीय को 2000 रुपये हर महीने भी दिए जाये तो 60
साल तक ख़त्म ना हो. यानी भारत को किसी वर्ल्ड बैंक से लोन लेने कि कोई जरुरत
नहीं है. जरा सोचिये ... हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और नोकरशाहों ने कैसे देश को
लूटा है और ये लूट का सिलसिला अभी तक 2011 तक जारी है.
इस सिलसिले को अब रोकना बहुत ज्यादा जरूरी हो गया है. अंग्रेजो ने हमारे भारत
पर करीब 200 सालो तक राज करके करीब 1 लाख करोड़ रुपये लूटा.
मगर आजादी के केवल 64 सालों में हमारे *Hkz’Vkpkfj;ksa*
ने 280 लाख करोड़ लूटा है. एक तरफ 200 साल में 1 लाख करोड़ है और दूसरी तरफ
केवल 64 सालों में 280 लाख करोड़ है. यानि हर साल लगभग 4.37 लाख करोड़, या हर
महीने करीब 36 हजार करोड़ भारतीय मुद्रा स्विस बैंक में इन भ्रष्ट लोगों द्वारा
जमा करवाई गई है.
भारत को किसी वर्ल्ड बैंक के लोन की कोई दरकार नहीं है. सोचो की कितना पैसा
हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओं और उच्च अधिकारीयों ने ब्लाक करके रखा हुआ है.
हमे भ्रस्ट राजनेताओं और भ्रष्ट अधिकारीयों के खिलाफ जाने का पूर्ण अधिकार है.हाल
ही में हुवे घोटालों का आप सभी को पता ही है - CWG घोटाला, २ जी स्पेक्ट्रुम
घोटाला , आदर्श होउसिंग घोटाला ... और ना जाने कौन कौन से घोटाले अभी उजागर
होने वाले है ...

Regarding Degree Certificate....Reply to Mr Anonymous

Mr Anonymous:-  Respected Manmauji ji,
I have cleared the CSE prelims 11 and now going to appear for mains . I was student of engineering in maharashtra. My institute was "autonomous" institution where he syllabus, examination, assessments, and grading all done by college lecturers n professors and not by any university as is norm. But the college is still affiliated to nearby university. Although grade CGPA (instead of percentage) are awarded by institute itself, the Degree is conferred by the said university(Its very old, AICTE recognised institute, so no fraud here). The problem is that I have a letter from "controller of examination" of the institute, titled as "CERTIFICATE", and indicating that I have successfully completed the degree program with 7.0 CGPA..etc..etc. But I don't yet have university degree certificate. Is this "certificate" sufficient for UPSC.
Manmauji:- Hello Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog and congratulations on clearing CSE-2011[Pre]....Regarding your query, you need to attach passing degree certificate along with Mains form but since you have the certificate from your institute , you can attach this certificate with mains form but at the time of Interview you need to produce the Degree from the University..Therefore, peacefully you can prepare for Mains for now...all the best...further query is welcome...keep on blogging...

Monday, August 1, 2011

Regarding FC....Reply to Miss/Mr Anonymous

Miss/Mr Anonymous: Dear sir,
Thanks for the awesome blog.
I have got in to civil services-2010 in my first attempt this year and waiting for FC.I intend to write the the mains this time again.
Will I get exemption from FC for preparation of mains, given that exemption rules have changed?
Miss/Mr Anonymous: Dear Sir,
If all the selected persons are not called to Musoorie for FC due to space constraints, then does the foundation date and venues differ for IAS/IPS/IFS/IRS.
i.e pre 300 and post 300 AIR.
Could you sight some past examples.
Manmauji:- Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog...Congratulations on getting in to Civil Services...Regarding your query, if you have appeared in CSE-2011 then definitely you will get exemption from FC to write CSE mains....Regarding the venue of FC, since seats are very high so FC will be conducted at three places other than Mussorie that is at Hyderabad, Nagpur and Bhopal as it was conducted in 2010 also. The FC will be conducted at the same time/Date but at different venue which will be allotted by DoPt...further query is welcome...keep on blogging.. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

Regarding foreign training in IRS[C&CE]...Reply to Miss/Mr Anonymous

Miss/Mr Anonymous:- Hi, se
1) I have seen it on many social networking sites that many of IRS(C&CE) OT have visited Singapore for some kind of training. Is it a mandatory training for all IRS(C&CE) officers or only some of them are selected for the same.
2) Which other countries are imparting training to IRS (C&CE) officers other than Singapore? any choice to officers?
3)It would be great if anybody can throw some light on the abroad training/attachment opportunities for IRS(IT) officers.
Thank you all for your valuable comments.
Manmauji:- Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog...Regarding your queries I will reply one by one:-
[1] Yes,IRS[C&CE] officers went to Singapore for training. It was mandatory thus all the officers went.
[2] So far, foreign training was given to last batch only and in Singapore only. We expect that some more countries will be added to this list very soon specially Canada or other European countries in case GST comes in to effect. So, so far there is no choice to officers to select any other country for training.
[3] IRS[IT] officers also have foreign attachment. They usually go to Singapore and  Malaysia.
further query is welcome.....keep on blogging...

Regarding vacancies in IRS....Reply to all

Miss/Mr Anonymous:-  Sir thanks for ur reply on 2010 vacancies in IRS ... In IRS C&CE u told the vacancies are 190-200 or more but current info from DOPT says its 134 only .... Can u throw some light ... If so what will be the cutoff rank for IRS C&CE this year 2010 for GM category ... Thanks in advance ... Waiting for ur reply
Manmauji:- Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog...I am getting numerous queries based on the number of vacancies in IRS[C&CE] and IRS[IT]...As I have posted earlier, it was earlier estimation by the Department [CBEC board] but later they have revised the number of vacancies. Therefore the information you are getting from DoPt may be correct...I am not sure about the cutoff in GM category as it depends on numerous other factors. Just wait for some more time, DoPT is about to come up with the service allocation list....further query is welcome...keep on blogging...

Friday, July 8, 2011

Regarding IES Vs IRTS Vs IAAS...Reply to Miss/Mr Anonymous

Miss/Mr Anonymous:
Dear Sir,
Firstly, Sincere Thanks for the efforts you take for this Blog.
Secondly; a humble suggestion - A separate area or link be provided for posting a query / problem, etc..
Thirdly, My Query - Am selected into the Indian Economic Service (1st attempt) and will likely make it into IRTS or IA&AS (1st attempt).
Kindly answer;
1) Which is a better service amongst the 3, IES, IRTS, IA&AS in terms of Cadre management, Career progression, Professional satisfaction and impact of one's work for the larger good of the Society?
2) Am not at all motivated to go in for another attempt at the CSE as of now as my choice above the IA&AS and IRTS would be IAS / IFS only and that means the steep challenge of ranking in the top 50 for me. Although for inexplicable reasons i will again fill in the preferences as per the usual standard IAS/IFS/IPS/IRSs and so on so as not to miss out on, i hate to admit the relative prestige perception.
Kindly take time out for a detailed response and oblige.
With best wishes & regards ---- help me make up my mind once and for all. Thanks.
Manmauji:-  Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog and kind words about it...Due to hectic schedule I am not able to reply queries at regular interval...any way, congratulations on your getting in to Group Á' service..Regarding your query, IRTS and IAAS will definitely better than IES if you count in terms of career,satisfaction and other things...However, if you choose between IRTS and IAAS, it is a tough choice as both are different services in terms of clients. As IRTS deals with the management of railways...It is powerful in the domain of railways and very hectic too..Facility wise also, it is very good as you know railways has largest infrastructure..However, IAAS is a bit account based may like accounts then you can enjoy at last it is an individual choice and preferences which counts at last...If you are looking for recognition and greater visibility in society then you must write exam again for IAS or IPS or IRS...though you will get recognition in IRTS and IAAS as well but it will be within your cadre or those who knows about the services....Besides, the opportunity for deputation is available in all these services, so you can go for different departments after 5 yrs of services in your parent department...As far as cadre management is concerned, I am not very sure but I heard that IAAS is better organised and have timely promotions...further query is welcome...keep on blogging..

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Regarding promotional aspects in IRS[C&CE]...Reply to Miss/Mr Anonymous

Miss/Mr Anonymous:- Dear Sir, what are the promotion prospects in IRS(C&CE). I am already in Group A (6600 GP).
Manmauji:- Hello Miss/Mr Anonymous, thanks for your visit on the blog...Regarding your query, I have already written several articles on the career prospects of IRS[C&CE]....However, as you have mentioned that your grade pay is 6600, if you join as IRS[C&CE] this year, then you will enter in 5400 grade pay and 15600/- to 39000/- pay band. However, you can apply for fixation of the pay to your cadre controlling authority if your service is confirmed then you can get the same pay in IRS[C&CE] as you are getting right now but you will loose seniority. Regarding promotions, you will join as Asstt Commissioner who will be promoted to Deputy Commissioner to Joint Commissioner to Additional Commissioner to Commissioner to Chief Commissioner to Member and Chairman of CBEC,Board. Though these promotions are time bound but certain other factors do play some roles such as your rank in UPSC Exam, your ACR in the department,etc....Thus, your decision to join IRS[C&CE] should depend on your individual preference of interest i.e. type of work and not only on the basis of salary. If you are enjoying your current work then no need to loose seniority  just for the sake of title....further query is welcome..keep on blogging..

Regarding the future aspects of Custom house agent [CHA]....Reply to Miss Rekha Inamdar

Miss Rekha Inamdar:- Hi Neutral Views, What is your opinion re Custom House Agents as a career choice? Is it a fulfilling and a rewarding career? What role do they perform in Customs?
Are they an important set of professionals?
Pls respond as my Son is currently employed with an old CHA business and some day he plans to branch out on his own.
With best regards and blessings for a good career.
-- Rekha Inamdar, Mumbai
Manmauji:- Hello Miss Rekha Inamdar, thanks for your visit on the blog and good wishes...Regarding your query, CHA has very important role to play in any customs house. They are the link between exporters/importers/manufacturers and the custom department as they have the responsibility to clear the goods after meeting customs clearances. They are regulated by CHALR,2004 [Customs house agents licensing regulations,2004]. As trade grows in India, CHAs are bound to flourish. They will get more and more work and hence can earn good amount of money. Thus we can say that they are very significant part of customs work and hence professionals too. Therefore I will suggest that one can start his/her own CHA work with promising and rewarding career of course with huge amount of responsibility towards custom department as enumerated in CHALR,2004.....further query is welcome...keep on blogging..

A must Read Article.....Aung San Suu Kyi tells of Myanmar's struggle for freedom and its cost

Aung San Suu Kyi, the Burmese (Myanmarese) democracy leader and Nobel peace prize winner, has issued a passionate manifesto for freedom in an unprecedented international broadcast describing the continuing 21-year-long struggle against Burma's military junta and the inspirational impact of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolutions.
Delivering the first of this year's BBC Reith lectures, which was secretly recorded in Burma (Myanmar) and will be broadcast on June 28 (Tuesday), Aung San Suu Kyi speaks movingly of the price she and fellow activists have paid while travelling what she calls the “hard road to freedom” — and of her heartfelt belief in the justice of their cause, which sustained her during nearly 15 years in jail or under house arrest.
What is this passion? What is the cause to which we are so passionately dedicated as to forgo the comforts of a conventional existence?” she asks. “Going back to [former Czech dissident leader] Vaclav Havel's definition of the basic job of dissidents, we are dedicated to the defence of the right of individuals to free and truthful life. In other words, our passion is liberty.” Aung San Suu Kyi describes the way those who choose the path of resistance and protest can become isolated, physically and spiritually, from ordinary life — and the toll such deprivation exacts. “Human contact is one of the most basic needs that those who decide to go into, and to persevere in, the business of dissent have to be prepared to live without.
In fact living without is a huge part of the existence of dissidents. What kind of people deliberately choose to walk the path of deprivation? Max Weber identifies three qualities of decisive importance for politicians as passion, a sense of responsibility, and a sense of proportion.
“The first — passion — he interprets as the passionate dedication to a cause. Such a passion is of crucial importance for those who engage in the most dangerous kind of politics: the politics of dissent. Such a passion has to be at the core of each and every person who makes the decision, declared or undeclared, to live in a world apart from the rest of their fellow citizens; a precarious world with its own unwritten rules and regulations, the world of dissidence.”
Speaking of the vital importance to her of poetry and faith, she goes on: “Passion translates as suffering and I would contend that in the political context, as in the religious one, it implies suffering by choice: a deliberate decision to grasp the cup that we would rather let pass.
It is not a decision made lightly — we do not enjoy suffering; we are not masochists. It is because of the high value we put on the object of our passion that we are able, sometimes in spite of ourselves, to choose suffering.” Aung San Suu Kyi discusses the dangers inherent in the feeling of “separateness” experienced by the dissident, be they Burmese, Yemeni, Czech or Korean. To counter this, Myanmar's most committed regime opponents are focussed as far as possible on pragmatic, tangible objectives, such as freedom of speech, the freeing of political prisoners, or democratic elections, rather than the academic or philosophical benefits of liberty, she says.
Whenever I was asked at the end of each stretch of house arrest how it felt to be free, I would answer that I felt no different because my mind had always been free. I have spoken out often of the inner freedom that comes out from following a course in harmony with one's conscience.”
In what may be seen as a response to critics who claim her personal story and international celebrity status have got in the way of Myanmar's quest for democratic reform, she goes on: “There is certainly a danger that the acceptance of spiritual freedom as a satisfactory substitute for all other freedoms could lead to passivity and resignation. But an inner sense of freedom can reinforce a practical drive for the more fundamental freedoms in the form of human rights and rule of law.” Aung San Suu Kyi speaks of her self-doubt when, after her motorcade was attacked by pro-government thugs in 2003 and many supporters were killed or arrested, she survived and was held in relatively good conditions in a prison bungalow.
She quotes the Ukrainian poet Anna Akhmatova: “No, this is not me. This is somebody else that suffers. I could never face that and all that happened.”
She continues: “I felt almost as a physical force the strong bond that linked those of us who had only our inner resources to fall back on when we were most in need of strength and endurance.” She also speaks with affection and pride of the supporters who turn up daily to help at the ramshackle headquarters of her much suppressed and harassed party, the National League for Democracy (NLD), which won a 1990 landslide election victory, only to see it annulled by the military junta.
Arab revolutions
“More than once it has been described as the NLD ‘cowshed.' Since this remark is usually made with a sympathetic and often admiring smile, we do not take offence. After all, didn't one of the most influential movements in the world begin in a cowshed?” The bravery of these people, she says, is extraordinary. “They pretend to be unafraid as they go about their duties and pretend not to see that their comrades are also pretending. This is not hypocrisy. This is courage that has to be renewed consciously from day to day and moment to moment. This is how the battle for freedom has to be fought until such time as we have the right to be free from the fear imposed by brutality and injustice.” Aung San Suu Kyi draws comparisons between Myanmar's plight and the revolution in Tunisia, which was ignited by a selfless act of defiance by an ordinary person who could no longer tolerate the “unbearable burden” of injustice. The main difference, she argues, was how free and uncensored communications, especially via young people's social media networks, allowed the world to know what was happening in many Arab countries. This was not yet the case in Myanmar. Speaking in general of dissenters' attempts to challenge or bring down authoritarian regimes, she says: “A friend once said she thought the straw that broke the camel's back became intolerable because the animal had caught a glimpse of itself in a mirror. The realisation dawned that the burden it was bearing was of unacceptable magnitude and its collapse was in fact a refusal to continue bearing so oppressive a load.
“In Tunis and in Burma, the deaths of two young men were the mirrors that made the people see how unbearable were the burdens of injustice and oppression they had to endure.
“Do we envy the people of Tunisia and Egypt? Yes, we do envy them their quick and peaceful transitions. But more than envy is a sense of solidarity and of renewed commitment to our cause, which is the cause of all women and men who value human dignity and freedom. In our quest for freedom, we learn to be free.”
Source: The Hindu

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Regarding vacancies in IRS[C&CE] & IRS[IT]

Hello all, I am getting frequent queries regarding vacancies in IRS[C&CE] and IRS[IT] which is going to be filled through CSE-2010. Though I am not sure about it but as per heresay, the numbers are large around 198 in IRS[C&CE] and around 170 in IRS[IT]...keep on blogging..

Monday, May 30, 2011

Regarding OBC status...Reply to Mr Praveen Shanker

Mr Praveen Shanker:-Dear Sir, Can a person working as Assistant Commandant(with same pay scale which a civil servant probationer gets) in CPF is eligible to apply as OBC candidate in Civil Services Examination?Will his income comes under Creamy layer Category?
Kindly reply as I am facing this dilemma..
Thank you Neutralviews.
Manmauji:- Hello Mr Praveen Shanker, thanks for your visit on the blog...Regarding your query, OBC status is determined on the basis of the status of the parents only. It means your salary status or Group A status will not affect your right to claim OBC benefit in UPSC unless your parents has the income which brings them under creamy layer....Now, since you are in Group A, so your children will not be able to claim OBC benefit... hope your doubt is clear now...further query is welcome...keep on blogging..

Regarding CSE-2010 mark sheets

Hello everybody, thanks for the great response to this blog...I am getting numerous mails regarding publication of CSE-2010 mark sheets on the blog. I want to clarify that UPSC has changed the pattern of its database which makes it difficult [keeping in the view of the bloggers ability and  time]  to fetch the mark sheets. However some highly qualified Computer engineers can try for this...As soon as possible I will come in contact with any of such guy, I will definitely put them on the blog for the benefit of CSE aspirants...keep on blogging...

Reply to Dr Sanjay

Dr Sanjay:- sir,what will happen if a candidate who is already in service doesnt accept the alloted service and remains in his service(selected previous year) but at the same time also doesnt reject the alloted will this service vacancy be blocked for other candidate below him and go in next years vacancy or it will still be alloted to the candidate below him...........
also sir which are the other sources from where i can get more info.........
Manmauji:- Hello Dr Sanjay,thanks for your visit on the blog...Regarding the situation you discussed, the service shall be allotted to that may happen that once Foundation Course [FC] will start, these seats may be allotted to the reserve list already prepared by UPSC. You can contact to DoPT section officer for further clarifications....further query is welcome...keep on blogging..

Regarding upgradation...Reply to Dr Sanjay

Dr Sanjay:- hello sir, i am dr. Sanjay , we have interacted before also.sir i have cleared cse 2010 and will get irs (c&ce) for sure.i had opted it over irs(IT).sir would you be kind enough to explain the full procedure for service upgrade in detail.i went through your old posts but couldnt find a satisfactory answer.
regards .

Manmauji:-  Hello Dr Sanjay, thanks for your visit on the blog and congratulations on your grand success in CSE-2010. You are welcome in to prestigious IRS[C&CE] cadre. It is great to know that you have opted IRS[C&CE] above IRS[IT]....Regarding the process of up gradation, it is a cumbersome process which no body has definite answer...As far as I know, DoPt allot services taking in to consideration number of vacancy in a particular category. Service will be upgraded in case of the candidate above you is medically unfit [finally] for the allotted service or doesn't turned up to accept or reject the service. However, you can confirm from other sources also....further query is welcome...keep on blogging.. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Speech of Hon’ble Chairman, UPSC , Mr D.P. Agarwal

Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri Hamid M Ansari; Hon’ble Members of the Commission; Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,It is with great pleasure that I extend a very warm welcome to Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri Hamid M Ansari. The Union Public Service Commission is deeply honoured that he has consented to deliver the second lecture on ‘Governance and Public Service’. The inaugural lecture in the series was delivered by Her Excellency, the President of India in 2009. We are extremely grateful to you, Sir.
The country has witnessed an all round development in almost all the sectors since last two decades. The need for maintaining the pace of development and the requirement to ensure that benefits of development percolate to all citizens pose a great challenge to governance system. We need to evaluate and re-jig the systems of governance responsible for ensuring an effective public service delivery and to keep it efficient and
people friendly.
In the journey of 85 long years in its various incarnations, the Union Public Service Commission as a constitutional body while zealously guarding its independence has discharged its mandated functions - not only the recruitment and selection for the civil service under the Union, but also advising the Government on matters closely relating to manpower requirement in public services. At the same time, the Commission has also been fully alive to the emerging challenges of governance. Good governance for effective public service delivery presupposes that the systems are manned by the right people with right skills and capabilities. While undertaking the recruitment and selections in a meritbased manner, the UPSC has always been open to innovations in the area of selection procedures and processes. The changes introduced in the Preliminary stage of the Civil Services Examination from this year are a pointer to the Commission’s commitment to select the most suitable person for the Civil Services. The changes in the scheme and pattern of the Preliminary Examination are based on the principle of equity in as much as it will provide equal opportunity to the candidates from diverse educational and social backgrounds. We are also in discussion with the ovt. of India about an alternative method of selection for induction into All India Services from the State Services. Commission handles more than 15 lakhs applications every year. To tackle this challenge Commission has introduced the system of online application for the candidates, which has been receiving an overwhelming response. Encouraged by the positive response, the Commission has recently introduced hundred percent online application for two Examinations, namely Engineering Services Examination and Indian Forest Service Examination. To facilitate the candidates from the remote area, Commission permits them to apply off-line also. Recently, UPSC also conducted successfully one online recruitment test at different centres in the country. Based on the experience from this experiment, the Commission may, in future, introduce online examinations and tests for other selections as well.
The primary concern of the Commission is to recommend the selected candidates to the Government as soon as practically possible. Detailed analysis of delayed cases has been done in the Commission which revealed a number of lacunae in the proposals submitted by the Ministries. A number of workshops have been organized by the  Commission for the Ministries/Departments to facilitate them to overcome these lacunas. In the same context, a Single Window System has been introduced, whereby a preliminary scrutiny of the cases is done at the time of receipt itself. I am happy to mention that this initiative has shown positive results in disposal of the cases. Commission recently organised a day long interaction session with the Heads of Training Academies and Institutes of All India and Central  services. The idea was to benefit from their feedback and perceptions. During the deliberations, it was learnt that no mechanism exists to map the performance and behavioural aspects of officers in the field in the early stages of their career. It was considered necessary by the group that the Government put in place such a mechanism. The Commission would be interested in knowing whether the selected candidates exhibit the attitudes, values required and display the skills and competence required for the job. In today’s globalized world, one cannot remain totally confined to one’s own approaches, methods and ideas for delivering the given mandate. We have to be a learning organization, ready to accept the best practices available globally. Towards this objective, the UPSC hosted the first Conference of the Chiefs of Public Service Commissions of SAARC countries in the month of November, 2010. The initiative was appreciated by all the Member States and it was decided to continue such dialogue every year. The Commission has also entered into bilateral partnerships with Public Service Commission’s of Canada and Bhutan. A similar MOU is likely to be signed with the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission of Afghanistan. We are confident that such partnerships will be of professional benefit to all of us. The Constitution of India, under proviso to Article 320 (3), provides for exemption of posts from the purview of the Commission. Such an exclusion of posts from the purview of Commission would be justified only  exceptional circumstances. To allow permanent exemption of posts/services would run counter to the spirit of the provisions of the Commission. However, over the years, the Government of India have excluded a number of civil posts /services from the purview of the Commission invoking this proviso to Article 320(3). Considering the purpose and spirit of the Constitutional provisions, I would urge the Government of India to bring all such civil posts/services back within the purview of the Commission. Aticle 321 of the Constitution mandates that Parliament may by
law provide for exercise of additional functions by the UPSC in respect of services of the Union and also as respects the services of any local authority or other body corporate constituted by law or of any public
institution. By virtue of its independent Constitutional status, the Commission inspires the highest confidence in the public with regard to its fairness, impartiality and objectiveness of its selection procedures. It is
therefore for the government of India to consider amending the existing Acts of Parliament creating Corporations, Tribunals or other Organizations, to incorporate a provision for consultation with the
Commission in making recruitment, selections, etc. for these bodies. As of now, our country has a large number of recruiting agencies which make selection to various services/posts under the Government. In
most of the Developed countries, an independent authority audits all selections made by different authorities. It may be worthwhile to adopt such a system in our country also. In our context such auditing could be
done by the Commission. The emerging dynamics of governance call for a fresh look at the issue of permanent appointment in the civil services vis-a-vis the outcome-based performance. The life- long job security provided to government servants perhaps brings in an element of complacency and inertia. There should be intense assessment of performance of the officers at various stages of their career to weed out dead woods at an early stage in order to have a civil service that is nimble, efficient, impartial, accountable and above all honest. Another issue that needs attention is opening up of senior positions in Civil Service to all persons possessing skill sets matching with the job profile. Such selections should be made on a competitive basis with no prejudice to anyone. Coming back to the subject of today’s lecture by the Hon’ble Vice President, I can’t resist from mentioning that the foremost challenge in governance today is to maintain the highest standards of probity, integrity, accountability, transparency and fair play. I am sure that if we
are able to successfully meet this challenge, the people’s aspirations and expectations are bound to be fulfilled. Before I end, I take this opportunity to welcome you all and also once again welcome the Hon’ble Vice President of India.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Regarding uniform in Customs[Preventive]....Reply to Mr PR Jumle

Mr PR Jumle:-
 Dear Manmaujee,
Thank You so much for the series writings ''do's and dont's for the IRS Officers''. I have copied it and sent in verbatim to all of my batchmates (61st batch at Mumbai). They all have received it well and indeed it was very informative. Even at academy we failed get such inputs from the faculty.
Thank You so much and i hope to see more articles on similar issues. Next year I too will join you to give my experience to the coming batch.
I got Kolakata Customs (Preventive). I'll take charge on 19th. I want to know about dress code while in customs preventive and on the first day of joining.
Please reply me soon.
Thanking you...
Manmauji :- Hello Mr PR Jumle...Thanks for your visit on the blog and kind words about it. First of all, congratulations on getting in to Customs[Preventive]... Neutralviews will look forward for your kind support and attention....Regarding your query,there is no separate uniform for it...You must wear the standard Customs and Excise uniform which you must have received at your Police attachment..good luck.....further query is welcome...keep on blogging..

Series Article No-2....Do's & Don'ts for IRS[C&CE] officers of Customs[Preventive formations]

Hello all the IRS[C&CE] officers of 61st Batch, as per our series of compilations on Do’s & Don’t for your first posting, I am posting Do’s & Don’t for Custom [Preventive] officers received from the officer of 60th Batch without any edit.

“ Please accept my heartiest wishes on your joining of customs & central excise field formations. Apart from what has been comprehensively dealt by Neutralviews in its advice regarding Central Excise, I will like to add further on Customs preventive.

Customs preventive is quite different from other formations of CBEC and is concerned with policing of borders so as to prevent smuggling of contraband goods. The job is very similar to that of a police officer and one should enjoy and relish the unique opportunities offered by it.

Main Work of Customs preventive:-

[1] Anti smuggling:- under this, prevention of smuggling of contraband goods,3rd country origin goods, Narcotics,wild life parts, endangered species like red sanders,beer horns.etc, Antiques, fake currency notes, arms,explosive,etc. Please remember our AGENCY FUNCTIONS.

[2] Disposal of seized goods:- Please consult disposal manual of CBEC. There is little found on this topic in the academy.

[3] Collection of Arrears:- Remember section 142 of Customs Act,1962.

[4] Manning of land Custom stations

Do’s for Probationers:-

[1] Pay a little more attention to uniform.

[2] Brush up sections of customs act from 100 to 125,133,134,135 and 136.

[3] Please go through NDPS Act,preventive manual and disposal manual of CBEC.

[4] Revise the provisions of prosecution and arrest. There are specific guidelines for arrest.

[5] Go through old case files to have an idea of building up cases.

The general process is:-

Intelligence ----> Seizure effected-------> Seizure memo and Panchnama [very crucial document]---->summons to accused and witnesses,recording of statements,DTO verification in case of seizure of vehicles----> gathering additional evidence if any------> issue SCN---->personal hearing------>adjudication.

[6] Regularly visit all circles/LCS of your jurisdiction.

[7] keep good liaison with police,district administration,SSB,CRPF,RPF,etc. Meet senior officers in District like DM,SSP,DIG,etc. to have good interoperability and coordination. You will generally get a warm response.

[8] pay special attention to office infrastructure, guest houses and staff welfare.

[9] arrange guest lectures by inviting prominent people every fortnight. This keeps the environment in office learning oriented.


[1] file work is less in customs preventive. Don’t become lazy. Always keep on brushing up your knowledge.

[2] Don’t hesitate in seeking advice and help from superior officers and subordinates.

[3] don’t sign any letter without going through the file.

[4] Don’t send preventive teams unnecessarily to stop buses and rail without any credible information. This doesn’t yield any result.

A last word of advice, also go through CrPc,IPC and Indian evidence Act. Keep your armoury in ready to use condition. In the end, I will like to say that it is a nice opportunity to show your leadership skills.
Neutralviews sincerely thanks the officers of 60th Batch who are taking pain to write and send their valuable inputs to help the officers of 61st Batch...keep on blogging.

Series Article No-4...Do's & Don'ts for IRS[C&CE] officers of Service Tax formation

Hello all the IRS[C&CE] officers of 61st Batch, as per our series of compilations on Do’s & Don’t for your first posting, I am posting Do’s & Don’t for Service Tax officers received from the officer of 60th Batch without any edit.

"hi all...
1) first and foremost keep in mind service tax division is entirely different in functioning when compared to the central excise division especially when you work in a exclusive service tax commissionerate.
2) attend only urgent files in the first week.
3) pl call for pendency position of adjudication, arrears, refunds etc
4) wherever possible have a period wise break up in all cases
5) don't get panic seeing the pendency positions in the division. don't compare yourself with your colleague who may be posted in central excise division
6) u join the time when the AGT is also in progress. many subordinate officers will be leaving the division or may be joining the division. pl see that there is a smooth transfer of files is happening. keep a copy of the list of files handed over with u. this will help u in the future.
7) pl see the latest inspection report on your division. this gives u bird"s eye view over your division.
8) get a copy of all the relevant circulars, notification and clarifications with regard to the services u deal with from your colleagues in the commissionerate or from your officers.
9) visit CBEC site, your local commissionerate site and tax indiaonline site and get familiarised with them.
10) pl don't show any haste in dealing with refund claims whatever the pendency be with u. take your own time to understand the issue of refunds. go through the relevant notifications and circulars and read it carefully.
11) one last word..don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarifications from your senior officers, colleagues or your any other officers. u may not get an opportunity to clarify things as days pass by.
Neutralviews sincerely thanks the officers of 60th Batch who are taking pain to write and send their valuable inputs to help the officers of 61st Batch...keep on blogging.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Series Article No-3..Do's & Don'ts for IRS[C&CE] officers of Customs formation

Hello all the IRS[C&CE] officers of 61st Batch, as per our series of compilations on Do’s & Don’t for your first posting, I am posting Do’s & Don’t for Custom officers received from the officer of 60th Batch without any edit.
"hi , some points which i think might be useful to newcomers...
[1]In customs everyone is in a hurry ,so consult your colleagues may be persons who joined last year about the issue.

[2] After receiving the charges open the act , go to CBEC website and read notifications , circulars and instructions about your charges right from year 2000 this will give you a sense of perspective and also increase your working knowledge.

[3]There will be many alerts , procedures given in the form of instructions and circulars this will make you more confident

[4] Your own commisionerate might have given some public notices and standing orders pl refer to them for local procedures

[5] Ask your section to put up all these as back ground before you sign.

[6] Assessment practice vary in many places sit with your appraisers and discuss before starting .

[7] Never hesitate to ask your colleagues or seniors they will not take it in negative light .

[8] Keep visiting NIDB and DOV website regarding valuation issues.

[9] Read as much as possible at early stage rather than making it post mortem effort.

[10] Ask for ICES 1.5 MANUAL and go through it to understand system issues.
Neutralviews sincerely thanks the officers of 60th Batch who are taking pain to write and send their valuable inputs to help the officers of 61st Batch...keep on blogging.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello all, Neutralviews congratulates all the successful candidates of CSE-2010 which is topped by
S DIVYADHARSHINI...I wish you all the best...Enjoy these golden moments of your life....keep on blogging...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Series Article No-1...For all those officers of IRS[C&CE] about to join their first posting!!!

Hello officers of IRS[C&CE] 61st Batch...Congratulations to all of you on the completion of your training at NACEN and several other field formations of the department. You all must be excited on getting your postings at the preferred locations [hopefully most of you] and eagerly waiting for the joining. There have been numerous queries from some of you about what are the "Do's and Dont's " for this great occasion. Neutralviews is bringing a series of good compilations about Do's and Dont's received from number of senior IRS[C&CE] officers beginning from "Do's & Dont's for joining as Central excise officers" followed by similar compilations for Customs,Customs[Preventive],Service Tax, etc. Some of the instructions may be common for all types of field formations. Let us start this series with
"DO'S & DONT'S for Central Excise"
On the very first day of your joining to the department, you must remember following things:
[1] Go to the office in Uniform prescribed.
[2] Call on all the officers posted starting with Chief Commissioner. For this, inform PA [Chief Commissioner] about your arrival and intention to join. Don't forget to carry a pen and posting letter issued at NACEN. You need to write a joining letter addressing to Chief Commissioner [CC] mentioning the order no of your posting order letter.
[3] Give proper salute to all the senior officers except Asstt Commissioners posted there during call on.
[4] Remove your cap while you sit on chair in front of your seniors.
[5] Don't forget to call on less visible Commissioner [Appeal].
[6] When CC asks a specific choice for postings, prefer not to give any unless you have any compelling reason.
[7] Once your final place is decided, don't forget to apply for house/accommodation.
[8] During charge handover, Please ask your predecessor about any major/significant issue pending. Give your predecessor a humble and graceful farewell.
[9] on the first day in your Division [if you get it], your subordinates will call on you. Listen them carefully and give respect to age and experience. Don't hesitate in asking any doubt or current inadequacies faced by the division/ranges.
[10] Handling DAK PAD may be a difficult task for you. But don't worry, ask your Administrative officer [AO] to bring a copy of office order about work distribution in division technical branch. Go through carefully and then mark the DAK by reading Subject line and inside matter. Generally, Refund/Rebate related letters mark to Superintendent [Supt] Refund/Rebate and other letters to Supt[Technical]. Administration related letters are marked to AO.
[11] After this task, ask for 'Division at a Glance', ' Range at a Glance' and previous Inspection report of the Division as well as Ranges. Through this, you can get a glimpse of your division profile, deficiencies found during last inspection by senior officers of your Division and Ranges.
[12] Ask for 'Monthly technical report' [MTR] which will give you total summary of your division, all the pendency in different sections.
[13] Ask for Arrears Report which will provide details of all the arrears cases pending.
[14] Ask for office order issued by Commissioner about delegation of financial power to Asst Commissioner and follow it strictly.
[15] Don't hesitate to clear any doubt.
[16] There is no need to hurry, take your time, open the Manual in case of any doubt. Make a rule, 'Show me the Rule before I will sign the file".
[17] Visit your Ranges to have a glimpse of the conditions prevailing there.
[18] Try to improve your office area and infrastructure in your division/Ranges.
[19] Ask your AO to tell the financial resources available in the Division. Purchase new things if not available in your office by following due process.
[20] Don't show overenthu, every office has designated work to perform. Never try to encroach the domain of other office. Concentrate on your domain and try to excel there. If you try to encroach, it will lead to friction.
[21] Never overreact. Don't start things which you think that you can not sustain for a long time. Never create any unwanted seen for your seniors because they can make your life hell or heaven.
[22] Try to have lunch with your colleagues posted near you even if they are promoted officers. This will encourage sharing of information among all the officers.
[23] Whenever any senior calls you, always go with a pen and notebook to note down any significant instruction.
[24] always keep ready a pen and notebook near to your phone to make a note of any instructions given by seniors.
[25] Make a habit to note down important deadlines,reminders, reports need to be submitted and follow up otherwise your subordinates have the tendency to miss the deadlines. You need to remind them frequently.
                              I hope these suggestions will help you on your first day of your posting as it is a very significant milestone in your life. Some of you may not agree on many points described above. It depends on you. You can follow them or avoid them but You should be open enough to learn. Work hard during initial days. Start enjoying your work and continuously improve office environment.
                             Last but not the least,Don't forget to bring digital camera and take snap of charge handover ceremony and farewell ceremony of your predecessor.
                             Good luck and send your feed back on . Keep on blogging.