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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Regarding Eye power...Reply to Mr AK

Mr AK wrote: sir,my query is regarding eye spects power myopia allowed in upsc.. i believe the limit given in the mains gazette for technical services (ips,irts,etc) is -4.o.. my power is more than that.. but i have heard that people with power more than -4.0 also have been allotted ips in the past.. can u shed some light on this matter..
Manmauji's Reply: Hello Mr AK, thanks for your visit on the blog...regarding your query, there are some technical requirement of IPS in relation to eye site, you can go through the details in UPSC gazette. There are of course some candidates who make to IPS above eye site 4 + but it may be slightly more than 4...Any major power e..g. 5 or above shall not be allowed as it will be dangerous to your safety. So you can enquire about it and if have more power than go for LASIK or some other advance techniques to get rid of speck....further query is welcome..keep blogging..

1 comment:

Swami said...

i have not yet received any communication from upsc though i have been selected for i already applied after downloading the forms from UPSC website....the pressnote says "In case, any of these candidates does not receive a communication in this regard from the Commission by 08/09/2010 he/she should immediately contact the Commission in the matter giving his/her particulars"...i tried to call the numbers given in the pressnote but no response...what should be done...if i have to write a letter to upsc, whom should i address ...please reply as i am worried about the Mains.