The Stotra goes like this:
अर्जुन उवाच
नमस्ते सिद्धसेनानि आर्ये मन्दरवासिनि ।
कुमारि कालि कापालि कपिले कृष्णपिङ्गले ।।
भद्रकालि नमस्तुभ्यं महाकालि नमोऽस्तु ते ।
चण्डि चण्डे नमस्तुभ्यं तारिणि वरवर्णिनि ।।
Arjuna Said:- Arye (Devi), you reside in Mandarachal and are the chief of the army of Siddhas. You are also known by the names- Kali, Kapali, Krishna Pingala, Bhadrakali and Mahakali. I bow down to you again and again. You are known as Chandi when you get angry on wicked and Tarini when you liberate Bhaktas. You are golden and beautiful. I bow down to you.
कात्यायनि महाभागे करालि विजये जये ।
शिखिपिच्छध्वजधरे नानाभरणभूषिते ।।
O the luckiest one, you only are the Katyayani- worthy of prayers and you only are the Kali- having a frightening form. You only are known as Jaya and Vijaya. Peacock feathers adorn your flag. You are adorned by a variety of jewelry.
अट्टशूलप्रहरणे खड्गखेटकधारिणि ।
गोपेन्द्रस्यानुजे ज्येष्ठे नन्दगोपकुलोद्भवे ।।
You hold dangerous weapons like Trishul, Kharag and Khteak. You took birth in the lineage of Nanda Gopa as younger sister of Shri Gopeshwar Shri Krishna. You are supreme in qualities and effects.
महिषासृक्प्रिये नित्यं कौशिकि पीतवासिनि ।
अट्टहासे कोकमुखे नमस्तेऽस्तु रणप्रिये ।।
You were very happy to shed the blood of Mahishasura. You are also famous by the name Kaushiki because you incarnated in the Kaushika Gotra. You wear Pitambar. When you laugh at the sight of your enemies, your face is as agitated as a cyclone. War is very dear to you. I bow down to you again and again.
उमे शाकम्भरि श्वेते कृष्णे कैटभनाशिनि ।
हिरण्याक्षि विरूपाक्षि सुधूम्राक्षि नमोऽस्तु ते ।।
Goddess who bears the names Uma, Shakambhari, Shweta, Krishna, Kaitbhanashini, Hiranyakshi, Virupakshi and Sudhumrakshi!, I bow to you again and again.
वेदश्रुति महापुण्ये ब्रह्मण्ये जातवेदसि ।
जम्बूकटकचैत्येषु नित्यं सन्निहितालये ।।
You are the shruti of the Vedas, your form is very holy; The Vedas and the Brahmins are dear to you. You are the power of Jataveda Agni; You have a constant abode in Jambu, Cuttack and Chaitya trees.
त्वं ब्रह्मविद्या विद्यानां महानिद्रा च देहिनाम् ।
स्कन्दमातर्भगवति दुर्गे कान्तारवासिनि ।।
You are the Brahmavidyaamongst all knowledge, and the great sleep (Maha Nidra) of bodily beings. Bhagwati! You are the mother of Kartikeya. You are Durga, who resides in inaccessible places.
स्वाहाकारः स्वधा चैव कला काष्ठा सरस्वती ।
सावित्रि वेदमाता च तथा वेदान्त उच्यते ।।
Savitri! Swaha, Swadha, Kala, Kasta, Saraswati, Vedamata and Vedanta are all your names.
स्तुतासि त्वं महादेवि विशुद्धेनान्तरात्मना ।
जयो भवतु मे नित्यं त्वत्प्रसादाद् रणाजिरे ।।
Mahadevi! I have praised you with a sincere heart. By your grace may I always be victorious in this battle.
कान्तारभयदुर्गेषु भक्तानां चालयेषु च ।
नित्यं वससि पाताले युद्धे जयसि दानवान् ।।
Mother! You dwell eternally in the wilderness, in fearful, inaccessible places, in the homes of the devotees, and even in the Patal-Lok.You are the one who defeats demons in battle.
त्वं जम्भनी मोहिनी च माया ह्रीः श्रीस्तथैव च ।
संध्या प्रभावती चैव सावित्री जननी तथा ।।
You are Jambhani, Mohini, Maya, Hri, Shri, Sandhya, Prabhavati, Savitri and Janani.
तुष्टिः पुष्टिर्धृतिर्दीप्तिश्चन्द्रादित्यविवर्धिनी ।
भूतिर्भूतिमतां सङ्ख्ये वीक्ष्यसे सिद्धचारणैः ।।
You are also the one who gratifies, confirms, and radiates the illuminance of the sun and the moon. You are the glory of opulent. Siddhas and Charans see you on the battlefield.
As a result of Arjuna’s prayer, benevolent Mother Goddess appeared before Shri Krishna and Arjuna. She blessed Arjuna and assured him victory in the impending battle.
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