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Friday, August 10, 2012

Regarding provisional allocation of service...Reply to Mr Kishor

Mr Kishor:- Hi boss.. i got IRS(C&CE).But it is mentioned that it is a provisional allocation and chances are there for upgradation.If i wont need any upgradation and like to continue the allotted it possible?
Mr Kishore:- Hi boss,say i got a service in provisional allocation and if i dont need any upgradation is it possible for me to retain the allotted service and rejecting the new service.
Thanks for any advice..  

Manmauji:- Hello Mr Kishor, thanks for your visit on the blog..Congratulations on your grand success in CSE-2011 and welcome to the real Royal Service of Government of India...Regarding your query, your service may be changed when all the candidates above will be finalised by DoPT. So, you don't have any option but to accept the Service given by DoPT as per your service preference indicated in CSE[Mains] form..However, you can give in writing to DoPT regarding your intention to stay in IRS[C&CE], if they can consider it, it will be good for you however chances are very nil for such consideration....all the best...further query is welcome...keep on blogging... 


Anonymous said...

What makes the IC&CES "Royal Service of the Govt. of India" Sir? Don't you think Royal AND Service are antithetical terms? Does your description not indicate a complete lack of appreciation of the responsibilities to implement faithfully the Citizens charter? Should your clients - the trade and professionals involved not deserve a prompt Service oriented Officer? OR Has the UPSC hired one more modern day Maharaja at the poor Public's Expense? OR Is it your case that in the Revenue services the Officers are the only Maharajas to share the illgotten spoils of blackmail and harassment without the even more Venal politicians breathing down their necks?
I love you ManMauji for your wonderful and active Website. But these are terms which hit the common man hard who ultimately pays our Salaries and for whom we are supposed to sincerely work.
Best Regards,
-- Anon

Anonymous said...

Hi sir,
The number of posts specified and the no. of posts filled are not same.Any reason?

Anonymous said...

Hi...Could you please tell me the procedure to get exemption from FC?

Anonymous said...

खरगोश का संगीत राग रागेश्री पर आधारित है जो
कि खमाज थाट का सांध्यकालीन राग
है, स्वरों में कोमल निशाद और बाकी स्वर
शुद्ध लगते हैं, पंचम इसमें वर्जित है, पर हमने इसमें अंत में पंचम
का प्रयोग भी किया है, जिससे इसमें राग बागेश्री भी झलकता है.

हमारी फिल्म का संगीत वेद नायेर ने दिया है.
.. वेद जी को अपने संगीत कि प्रेरणा जंगल में चिड़ियों
कि चहचाहट से मिलती है.
Feel free to visit my website ... खरगोश

Mahita R said...


Could you give an idea as to when the final service allocation list would be out? I would like to at least get an idea of the previous years' allocation time, thank you very much for any info.