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Saturday, April 5, 2008


I appeared for UPSC interview on 3rd April.It was the board of Mr. K Roy Paul with three other distinguished members [are they really??...I think so...]...They have started with My home state,Dravidian movement,Taiwan,etc.After the chairman,there was an obnoxious person [remember he is distinguished one] who started with Indian history and asked myriad of questions ranging from India to Mr. Hitler [he must have mistaken me with his i looking like him....but I think he was very smart and brave too...I want to be so]....I was about to be sacrificed on the altar of Civil Services but some invisible power slapped on that obnoxious weed...suddenly he started asking about my precious Hobby Watching Theatre...[hey it was not fabricated was genuine].....I was at ease and replied patiently.Then It was the turn of Mr. Charley Chaplin [another obnoxious weed..looking like that famous man...but by god he was not having any trait like him..]...he challenged my intelligence and asked about highway development project,Satyendra dube issue,whistler blower act,Lokpal bill,etc....He was confused with my name with one famous sport personality [was he allright??....]...My interview was over with not very good note...they have asked me about the panga between Mr Leander Pace and Mr Mahesh Bhupati..[hey how can I know about their personal problem yaar...]....So it was like a disaster...They were not showing any emotions and ready to hang anybody who is in front of them...The even didn't spare me when I was exiting the room....Boss this my experience.I am inviting the comment from all of you and please vote on the poll...[but who knows my success will depend on those precious marks]....Now I am free and enjoying writing this blog.....


vikram singh said...

Just read another Interview Log at

and your experience seems to be totally different.....keep chilling.

Anonymous said...

Don't want to leave my name, but do want to say that I had such an uninspiring interaction with the same Board that i gave up the idea of ever appearing again..and I don't regret my decision to date.

Anonymous said...

I appeared for my interview on 7th April 2008 in the morning and did not get selected either. I felt the Board was adopting some approach in order to assess each candidate's personality... and these tactics would definitely have succeeded in identifying the worthy candidates, I'm sure.I did find the Chairman of the Board,K Roy Paul possessed an unusual sensitivity and intuitive understanding of people and their feelings and emotions.